Department of National Defence
Ottawa, Ontario

NR 99.011

OTTAWA — The Minister of National Defence, the Honourable Art Eggleton today announced
a new initiative whereby astronauts participating in the International Space Station (ISS) will
be trained in leadership and team development by the Canadian Forces from 26 January to
13 February 2000.

This new initiative, under the auspices of the air force’s Canadian Aerospace Training Project
(CATP) will take place at the Burnt Lake training site at Canadian Forces Base Cold Lake,
Alta. This innovative training program is based upon elements of air force survival training
and army winter warfare training.

“This astronaut training program has been specifically developed by the air force for those
astronauts who are destined for the International Space Station. The training they will
receive will be unique in its application, and clearly demonstrates the value of the training
Canadian Forces personnel receive, and the professionalism which they possess,” said Mr.

The training is based on small team operations in a winter tent-group environment and will
cover environmental and physical stress, confinement, close interpersonal reaction,
motivation to perform menial tasks, individual laboratory work, and group missions while
operating in a harsh environment. Contracted retired Canadian Forces members with CF
regular and reserve personnel, each specializing in winter warfare and leadership training,
will conduct this training with support from 4 Wing Cold Lake.

“This excellent program is but another clear demonstration of Canada’s commitment to
space exploration,” said Mr. Eggleton, “and it is another example of Canada’s desire to be
an equal partner in activities linked to space exploration, especially activities associated with
the ISS.”

The initial first two serials will consist of twelve new and experienced NASA space shuttle
astronauts on two consecutive serials of ten days each. Participation in future years will
include astronauts from various ISS nations, including Canada.

NASA astronauts and a number of senior NASA officials attending the training includes:

26 Jan – 4 Feb Course:

Shannon W. Lucid (Ph.D) – NASA astronaut
John D. Olivas (Ph.D) – NASA astronaut
Mark E. Kelly (Lieutenant-Commander US Navy) – NASA
John Phillips (Ph.D) – NASA astronaut
Donald R. Pettit (Ph.D) – NASA astronaut
Chris F. Flynn (M.D.) – NASA Flight Surgeon

5-14 Feb Course:

James D. Wetherbee (Captain US Navy) – NASA astronaut
Ellen S. Baker (M.D., M.P.H.) – NASA astronaut
Paul Williams Richards – NASA astronaut
Charles J. Camarda (Ph.D) – NASA astronaut
Andrew S.W. Thomas (Ph.D) – NASA astronaut
Heidi Piper – NASA astronaut

In the future, NASA has indicated that we should expect to see an increase from this year’s
12 trainees up to 16 or 20 per year.

Further information on the Air Force’s CATP program is at . The
Canadian Space Agency internet site is found at www and contains information
on Canada’s contributions to the ISS.


For further information:

Mr. Eggleton’s spokesperson is Mr. Randy Mylyk at (613) 996-3100.

The CATP spokesperson is Lieut.-Col Brian Houlgate at (613) 998-9752.

The CSA spokesperson is Mr. Michel Vachon at (450) 926-4701.

The 4 Wing Cold Lake OPI is Ms. Krista Rivet at (780) 840-8000 Loc 8121

Note to Editors: Media will be provided with the opportunity to speak to course organizers
as well as to interview and photograph the first group of six astronauts as they are
undergoing their preliminary training outdoors at 10 a.m. on Friday, 28 January at CFB Cold
Lake, Alta. Those interested can contact Capt. Lynne Chaloux at (204) 833-2500 ext. 2029
until 25 January or (204) 229-0349 as of 26 January, or Lt(N) John Larsen at (403)
974-2825, or Krista Rivet at (780) 840-8000 ext. 8121.