Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the opening of the Women in Aerospace (WIA) 26th Annual Awards nomination process. This program furthers the WIA mission to expand women’s opportunities for leadership and increase their visibility in the aerospace community by spotlighting those who have excelled in their fields over a lifetime or on a project basis. Information on last year’s winners can be found at WIA’s web site by clicking here.

We hope you will help us continue our tradition of celebrating women’s professional excellence in aerospace by nominating women for the following awards:

* Achievement Award
* Lifetime Achievement Award
* Leadership Award
* Aerospace Educator Award
* Aerospace Awareness Award
* Outstanding Member Award

All awards are equal in stature. To download and review the nomination package click here. You may also view it on the web site at any time. We encourage you to take this opportunity to recognize outstanding women with your colleagues.

Nomination packages must be mailed to WIA, 204 E Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002, with a postmark no later than August 10, 2011. Please include eight (8) copies of the complete nomination package, consisting of the nomination form, a written explanation of the nominee’s qualifications relating to the award criteria, and the nominee’s resume or biography. The nomination package should not exceed 5 pages; this page limit does not include the nomination form or the nominee’s resume or biography. We cannot accept electronic submissions.

The awards ceremony will take place at the Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City in Arlington VA on Tuesday, November 1, 2011. We invite you to join us. Award winners are encouraged to attend but need not be present at the ceremony in order to receive the award.

WIA appreciates your input and looks forward to honoring our awardees together in November. Please feel free to contact us with any questions at 202-547-0229 or

Samantha Segall-Anderson