Submission deadline*: Friday, January 30, 2004

To help capture the scientific output of the recent 3rd International Conference on Mars Polar Science & Exploration, the conveners have made arrangements with the planetary science journal Icarus for the publication of the 3rd Mars Polar Science special issue. Note that participation in the Conference is not a requirement for submitting a manuscript for consideration in the special issue.

Submitted papers should have a substantial Mars focus, but may also address terrestrial polar and glacial analogs and processes where there is a clear and demonstrated relevance to Mars. Papers may address any aspect of Mars polar research (including: physical & chemical properties, geology, climate, glaciology, hydrology, life in extreme environments and astrobiology).

Papers must be of a scientific (i.e., involving data analysis, or the presentation of new theories and interpretations, etc.), rather than engineering nature. ICARUS generally does not publish papers describing instrument designs or concepts, or any paper that might be seen as advocating a particular mission that is not yet approved. Where a question exists regarding the potential acceptability of a topic, authors should contact the editor.

Submitted manuscripts will go through the standard review process, and there is no guarantee that a given paper will be accepted for publication. ICARUS has no page charges, but does charge for color art.

*The deadline for submitting manuscript to the special issues is Friday, January 30, 2004. Manuscripts submitted after this date may still be considered for publication in the special issue if they are able to catch up with the on-time submissions during the review process.

Cover letters should reference the 3rd MPS special issue. Please feel free to suggest possible reviewers for your paper. All manuscript submittal information can be found at

If you are planning to submit a manuscript, please send an indication of intent to CLIFFORD@LPI.USRA.EDU. Please include your name, address, phone number and e-mail address along with the likely title of your submission (if you previously completed an indication of interest form at the Conference, there is no need to submit another).

We strongly encourage the redistribution of this announcement to any colleagues who you believe might have an interest in submitting a manuscript to the special issue.

Stephen Clifford
Lunar and Planetary Institute
3600 Bay Area Blvd.
Houston, TX 77058
281-486-2162 (fax)