We are pleased to issue a Call for Abstracts for the 32nd annual American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) conference. The meeting will take place 26 – 29 October 2016 at the Hilton Downtown Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A. The annual ASGSR meeting provides a forum for the Life and Physical Sciences communities to meet and discuss their latest findings in gravitational and space research.

You are invited to submit an abstract electronically no later than 15 June 2016 using the abstract submittal form and instructions posted at ASGSR 2016 Abstract Submission. All submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed by the conference organizing committee. Accepted abstracts by authors registered for the conference are published in the meeting program. The program is distributed at the meeting and available on-line. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit a full manuscript to the Journal of Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR’s refereed journal). Abstract notification will be emailed to authors no earlier than 30 July 2016.

EXAMPLES OF TOPICS FOR ANNUAL MEETING (flight and ground-based research)

Space Radiation
Harsh Environments
Impacts from ISS Research
Combustion Science
Complex Fluids
Fluid Physics
Fundamental Physics
Materials Science
Habitability and Life Support
Development, Growth and Genetics
Translational Space Medicine – Bone, Muscle, and Immune System
Gravity Sensing and Neurophysiology
Regulatory Physiology
Structural Systems/Muscle Physiology
Informatics Science
Omics level analysis
Cell Biology
Education and Outreach
Space Biomedical Research
Spaceflight Countermeasure Research
Acceleration Environment and Effects
Interactions between Environmental Signals – such as Gravity, Light, Temperature
Suborbital Gravitational and Space Research
Complex Fluids
Microsatellite/Nanosatellite Gravitational and Space Research
Enabling Technologies
Space Synthetic Biology
Hypogravity and hypergravity life and physical science research
Cislunar space research

The Conference Organizing Committee will select from the submitted abstracts those to be presented in the oral or poster sessions. Abstracts scheduled for poster sessions will be assigned poster board space. The area allotted for each poster will be 4 ft tall x 4 ft wide. Each oral presentation will be 15 minutes including Q & A.

ASGSR membership is not required for abstract submission, but meeting registration and attendance is required for oral or poster presentation and inclusion in the meeting program. Because of processing deadlines, the Program Committee may be unable to include an abstract submitted after the 15 June 2016 deadline.

Students: All accepted abstracts from students are presented as posters or orally. There will be a student poster competition. Students must present an accepted abstract to be eligible for the poster competition. Society members will judge the poster competition and monetary awards will be given during the banquet scheduled for Saturday, October 29, 2016. Students must be present at the banquet to receive their award. Students participate in the competition by presenting their abstract during their scheduled poster session. Student competition winners will be encouraged to submit an extended abstract or a communication article to the ASGSR journal of Gravitational and Space Research. All students are expected to coordinate with their advisors when submitting an abstract for the conference.

Student Travel Assistance:Students requesting consideration for travel assistance should check the box on the abstract submittal form. Student travel assistance can be up to $500. Due to limited funding, not all students will receive travel assistance. The conference chair and organizing committee will select the students eligible for travel assistance by performing a joint review of the submitted abstracts. All students will be notified of their eligibility to receive travel funds by 30 July 2016. If a student has been notified as eligible to receive travel funding, the student must be the presenting author at the conference in order to receive travel funding assistance. Students who have been selected to receive travel funding will receive their funding after their presentation. If a student does not check the box they will not be considered for travel assistance funding.

For more information, please contact Ms. Jobi Cook at admin@asgsr.org