TO: All Space/Astronomy Groups, Contractors, Entrepreneurs, Politicos,
NASA Field Centers, Aerospace Educators & News Media

From: Jim Spellman – National Space Society/Western Spaceport Chapter

RE: Space Strategic/Infrastructure Plan

This is one of an occasional series of messages that is being sent to you,
based on your personal interest and/or involvement in aerospace matters.

Your feedback, ideas, and diverse background of expertise is requested —
even if you are not a resident of “The Golden State.”

If you are *not* a California resident, please compare/contrast the following
with similar efforts that may be in development within your state — or take
the initiative and use this as a blueprint to “kick-start” something similar
in your area.

Feel free to copy and/or distribute the following information within your
circle of friends and associates.


As part of its contract with the state of California — and Governor Gray
Davis’ recent call for increased investments in science, technology and
education — the California Space & Technology Alliance (CSTA — the state’s
“California Spaceport Authority”) has led to the development of a California
Space Strategic Plan to help California maintain and enhance its leadership
in space technologies in the face of an increasing competitive global

The plan includes a technical needs assessment, commercial space industry
problems, needs and market opportunities, and ways to leverage California
technology and funds for Matching Grant programs into the development of new,
commercially viable aerospace products and space launch services.

The plan also emphasizes the importance of forming statewide partnerships
with teams of California companies, colleges and universities, labs,
space/military alliances, as well as private and public economic development

The plan is available at:

in Portable Document Format (PDF).

All you need to view and print this document, regardless of your platform (as
long as it’s one of the “majors”), is the Adobe Acrobat Reader (it’s free).
The file containing the plan is CAPlan.PDF (about 850K, version 9/19/98).

The 1999 Year One Update (planupdt99.pdf, about 75K) is a 15-page document
released in October, 1999 and provides the first annual update to the
original Plan dated August, 1998. It is also a PDF file. Knowledge of the
original Plan is assumed when reading this update.


Congress has appropriated $8.5 million for a 2-year study of existing space
infrastructure at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Edwards Air Force Base, and
other Department of Defense, commercial and private aerospace sites within
the state of California. CSTA will manage the study, which is to include
engineering designs and architectural plans, by utilizing the expertise of
professionals at Booz-Allen and Hamilton.


— Establish existing infrastructure baseline
— Identify infrastructure gaps/needs
— Compare with current global business opportunities
— Determine best options

REGIONAL MEETINGS (California residents)

As part of its continuing effort to implement The California Space Strategic
Plan and support statewide infrastructure development, CSTA is hosting a
series of regional meetings throughout the state during the month of

The purpose of the meetings is to provide an overview of the California Space
Infrastructure Program (CSIP) and outline how input regarding California
space infrastructure will be garnered from statewide space stakeholders.


February 15, 2000 – Los Angeles AFB area (at Fort MacArthur)
February 16, 2000 – Edwards AFB area (in Palmdale)
February 17, 2000 – San Diego area (in San Diego)
February 22, 2000 – Bay area (in San Francisco)
February 24, 2000 – Vandenberg AFB area (Goleta, near Santa Barbara airport)

RSVP for each meeting by phone (805-349-2633) or by clicking on the “RSVP”
following the meeting you wish to attend via the CSTA website [].

The latter will set up a “send email” window/frame. Please include the names
and contact information for each attendee (you may submit as many names as
you’d like in each email, but please only one location/date per email). If
you RSVP by email and do not receive a reply, please re-contact CSTA at



Los Angeles Area
Tuesday, February 15, 2000
9 am – Noon
Fort MacArthur
San Pedro

Edwards AFB Area
Wednesday, February 16, 2000
9 am – Noon
Palmdale Playhouse
38334 10th St. East

San Diego Area
Thursday, February 17, 2000
9 am – Noon
Booz-Allen & Hamilton
1615 Murray Canyon Road, 8th Floor
San Diego

Bay Area
Tuesday, February 22, 2000
9 am – Noon
Booz-Allen & Hamilton
101 California, Suite 3300
San Francisco

Vandenberg AFB Area
Thursday, February 24, 2000
9 am – Noon
Goleta Valley Community Center
5679 Hollister Avenue (very near Santa Barbara airport)


Common Agenda for all five CSIP Regional Meetings, February 2000:

9 AM Sign in/Coffee

9:30 Welcome/Introductions

9:45 Update: CSTA
The California Spaceport Authority

10 AM Overview: California Space Infrastructure Program (CSIP)

– Booz-Allen & Hamilton

– CSIP Project Team

Questions and Answers

10:45 Break

11 AM A Strategy for Stakeholder Input
– Booz-Allen & Hamilton

11:15 Discussion: California Space-Related Infrastructure

11:45 Closing Remarks: CSTA


If you have any questions, go to the CSTA website at:

or send an e-mail to:

Thank you, in advance, for your time and consideration.


Jim Spellman

NSS/Western Spaceport Chapter [National website] [Local webpage]