The Planetary Society

65 N. Catalina Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91106-2301 (626) 793-5100 Fax (626)

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For Immediate Release: August 23, 2000 Contact: Susan Lendroth

The Planetary Society invites listeners to jump start their imaginations
when they tune in to a fascinating new radio documentary, “Human
Exploration of Space: Fact & Fiction,” distributed to National Public Radio
stations across America.

“Human Exploration of Space: Fact & Fiction” will feature interviews with a
variety of guests well known in the worlds of science and science fiction,

  • Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 11 astronaut
  • Ray Bradbury, science fiction author
  • F.X. Feeney, movie critic and science fiction scholar
  • Louis Friedman, Executive Director of The Planetary Society
  • Bruce Murray, President of The Planetary Society
  • Bill Nye, The Science Guy
  • Majel Barrett Roddenberry, wife of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry,
    Nurse Christine Chapell from the original series, and the voice of the
    starship Enterprise computer
  • Donna Shirley, former JPL Mars Program Manager during Pathfinder
    mission, now at University of Oklahoma

Larry Mantle of KPCC-FM will host “Human Exploration of Space: Fact &
Fiction,” which is presented by The Planetary Society, in conjunction with
KPCC-FM; Southern California Public Radio; and KMA, the Ken Mills Agency of
Minneapolis, Minnesota.

This innovative program explores the relationship between science fiction
and science fact during the past century’s breakthrough exploration of
space. Major themes include human destiny, risk, Mars in fiction and fact,
Apollo 11 and the impact of fiction on actual space exploration, ranging
from Jules Verne to Ray Bradbury, to “Star Trek” and beyond.

“We want to live forever. If we stay on earth, eventually the sun will die.
So, that being true, we have to move out through the universe as a witness
to the miraculous,” said Ray Bradbury in “Human Exploration of Space: Fact
& Fiction.”

In Southern California, the program will be heard on KPCC-FM 89.3 on Labor
Day, Monday, September 4, at 9:00 am. Contact local NPR stations for
additional program air dates.

To learn more about The Planetary Society, go to To
learn more about “Human Exploration of Space: Fact & Fiction,” visit


For more information or to arrange interviews, please contact Susan
Lendroth at (626)793-5100 ext. 214 or by e-mail at


Carl Sagan, Bruce Murray and Louis Friedman founded The Planetary Society
in 1980 to advance the exploration of the solar system and to continue the
search for extraterrestrial life. With 100,000 members in over 140
countries, the Society is the largest space interest group in the world.

The Planetary Society

65 N. Catalina Ave.

Pasadena, CA 91106-2301

Tel: (626) 793-5100

Fax: (626) 793-5528
