Lauds credentials and talents of former Air Force space director


WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Sam Brownback today urged the Bush Administration to choose Brigadier General Simon P. Worden (USAF, Ret.) as the next head of NASA.  Worden is a former legislative fellow in Brownback’s office.

“General Worden would serve our nation strongly as NASA Administrator,” Brownback stated.  “We are at a critical juncture in the agency’s history, when NASA is implementing the President’s vision for space, the shuttle is returning to flight and the agency is learning to work hand in hand with private enterprise.  The agency needs an administrator with a strong background in scientific thought, practical application and the ability to get things done.  General Worden meets all these criteria.  His illustrious career includes much service in the Air Force, and after working with the General in my office for the past year, I know firsthand that he is one of the best minds on space policy today.”

General Simon “Pete” Worden served as the Director of Development and Transformation at the Space andMissile Systems Center of the Air Force Space Command.  He has twice served in the White House on the National Space Council and Office of Science and Technology Policy, worked on all phases of the Strategic Defense Initiative, commanded the 50th Space Wing, and served in both the Air Force Space Command and Space Operations.  Worden, who also holds a doctorate in astronomy, has authored more than 150 scientific technical papers on astrophysics, space science and strategic studies.

Brownback continued, “General Worden is a creative thinker who can cut through the stifling bureaucracy in the current space program.  He can lead NASA and our country’s space program boldly into the future.  When the history book is written about men walking on Mars and going beyond, General Worden’s name will be a large part of that story.  I am hopeful he’ll be able to add another chapter to history serving our nation as NASA Administrator.”

Current NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe submitted his letter of resignation to the President Monday.

Brownback is chairman of the Science, Technology and Space Subcommittee of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.  He has held several hearings, including a field hearing inHouston, on U.S. space exploration, the space shuttle, the International Space Station, lunar and Martian exploration.

Sam Brownback
United States Senator – Kansas
303 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-6521