A briefing on the scientific goals of the upcoming
Microwave Anisotropy Probe (MAP), a NASA mission that seeks to
determine the history, content, shape and fate of the Universe,
is scheduled for 1 p.m. EDT, Tuesday, June 12.

The session will be carried live on NASA Television and will
originate from the James E. Webb auditorium at NASA
Headquarters, 300 E St., SW, Washington, DC.

To determine the nature and destiny of the Universe, MAP will
make a full-sky map of the temperature from the oldest light in
the Universe, the afterglow of the Big Bang. MAP is scheduled to
launch June 30 aboard a Boeing Delta II rocket from Cape
Canaveral, FL.

The briefing participants will be:

– Dr. Alan Bunner, Science Director, Structure and Evolution of
the Universe, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC

– Elizabeth Citrin, MAP Project Manager, NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD

– Dr. Charles Bennett, MAP Principal Investigator, Goddard

– Dr. David Spergel, Astronomy Professor, Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ

Two-way question-and-answer capability will be available at
participating NASA centers. NASA TV is broadcast on GE-2,
transponder 9C, C-Band, located at 85 degrees West longitude.
The frequency is 3880.0 MHz. Polarization is vertical and audio
is monaural at 6.8 MHz. The event will be webcast live at:
