The American Academy of Arts and Sciences will hold a policy briefing on the Future of U.S. Space Policy next week on Capitol Hill at which leading experts from the Academy’s project on Reconsidering the Rules of Space will address challenges and opportunities facing the nation’s use of space for civilian and military purposes.

The briefing will be held from noon to 2 p.m. on Thursday, July 30, 2009 in Room Room B-340 of the Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. A luncheon will be served. A preliminary agenda is appended below.

Space is limited. To reserve your place, RSVP asap and no later than Friday, July 24 to Liz Huttner at or 617 576-5093. White papers prepared as part of the Academy project will be available at the briefing.

American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Space Policy Briefing
Thursday, July 30, 2009
noon – 2 p.m.
Rayburn House Office Building – Room B-340
Washington, D.C.

Welcome and Overview – John Steinbruner, Project Director

Remarks – Rep. Bart Gordon (D-TN) (invited), Chairman, House Committee on Science and Technology

Robie Samanta Roy, Assistant Director for Space and Aeronautics, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy


Reconsidering the Rules for Space Security

John Steinbruner, Professor of Public Policy and Director, Center for International and Security Studies, University of Maryland

Nancy Gallagher, Research Director, Center for International and Security Studies, University of Maryland

China’s Space Program

Jeffrey Lewis, Director, Nuclear Strategy and Nonproliferation Initiative, New America Foundation

U.S. Space Policy: Challenges and Opportunities

Neal Lane, Malcolm Gillis University Professor and Senior Fellow, James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University; former Director, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

George Abbey, Baker Botts Senior Fellow in Space Policy, James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University; former Director, Johnson Space Center

Q & A

Conclusion John Steinbruner