WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Chairmen of
the House Science and House Education and the Workforce Committees
today joined forces, urging increased funding for two Mathematics and
Science Partnership programs.  Citing proficiency in math and
science as essential to our future economic competitiveness, and
calling the partnerships key to successful education reform, Rep.
Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) and Rep. John A. Boehner (R-OH) pushed for
the funding increases in letters to House appropriators.

Responding to President Bush’s call
for partnerships involving parents, teachers, school officials,
business leaders and universities, both the Science Committee and the
Education and the Workforce Committee developed Mathematics and
Science Partnerships last year. 

Chairman Boehlert’s legislation,
the "National Mathematics and Science Partnerships Act"
(H.R. 1858), was approved by the House in July 2001.  It would
authorize Partnerships, similar to those proposed by President Bush,
to develop and test new models for K-12 math and science education
reform.  In a letter to Rep. James T. Walsh (R-NY), Chairman of
the Appropriations Subcommittee on VA, HUD and Independent Agencies,
Boehlert and Boehner urged Walsh to "provide the President’s
request of $200 million" for the program.

In a second letter, they called on
Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, HHS and Education Chairman
Ralph Regula (R-OH) to "significantly increase funding for the
Mathematics and Science Partnerships Program authorized under Title
II of the ‘No Child Left Behind Act of 2001,’ " (H.R. 1)
sponsored by Chairman Boehner.  Among other initiatives, the
program focuses on the development of rigorous mathematics and
science curricula and brings teachers together with scientists,
mathematicians and engineers to improve their teaching

"In this era of high
technology, proficiency in mathematics and science is essential, if
today’s students and our Nation as a whole hope to compete in the New
Economy tomorrow," wrote the Chairmen.