WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) issued the following statement today in reaction to the Administration’s proposed fiscal year 2004 federal budget:

“The Administration’s budget proposal for science and technology is disappointing, although perhaps unsurprising given the budgetary constraints.  On the positive side, the Administration has acknowledged the importance of funding for basic research, particularly in the physical sciences, and the Administration has recommended generous percentage increases in such areas as the National Science Foundation and the National Nanotechnology Initiative.  The budget also, as had previously been announced, funds important new research to lay the groundwork for a hydrogen economy. 

“On the other hand, many science programs do not even keep up with inflation.  In many areas, particularly Homeland Security and cybersecurity, there aren’t enough details yet to fully understand the proposals.  Perhaps the best that can be said is that this budget document may have to be rethought in any event once Congress finally provides domestic appropriations for fiscal 2003.  Certainly, the NASA budget must be rethought in light of Saturday’s tragedy.  I look forward to working with the Administration, as I have in the past, to boost the funding for science beyond the initial proposals.”