WASHINGTON, DC – House Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert, (R-NY),
today made the following statement on the appointment of Floyd Kvamme to
co-chair the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology

“I am very pleased with the President’s appointment of Floyd Kvamme to
co-chair PCAST. The scientific community will no doubt benefit from his
impressive background in technology issues and close relationship with the
President. With expertise in both the technological and financial sides of
science policy, Mr. Kvamme possesses all the necessary qualifications to be
a successful co-chair. PCAST plays a very important role in developing
science and technology and I am anxious to begin working with Mr. Kvamme.

“The appointment of Mr. Kvamme also represents a significant step in the
development of the President’s science team. I look forward to working with
the Administration in the coming weeks as they continue to assemble the

Press Contacts:

Bill Steponkus (William.Steponkus@mail.house.gov)

Jeff Donald (Jeffrey.Donald@mail.house.gov)
