April 29 – May 3 Marks Global Science and Technology Week

House Science Committee Chairman
Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) today called on educators and parents to
engage students in various activities planned to commemorate the
third annual Global Science and Technology Week.

"We have a duty to provide
every student with quality math and science education so they are
prepared for a world in which science and technology increasingly
play a crucial role in every aspect of our lives," said Chairman
Boehlert.  "While the United States has long been a global
leader in science, recent studies warn that our K-12 students are
falling behind their international peers.  Moreover, our demand
for a skilled workforce in science and technology continues to
skyrocket and today’s students will be called upon to fill that void.
I hope parents and teachers throughout the district will encourage
children to participate in Global Science and Technology Week so that
they might discover how science and technology improves lives and
connects people across the planet."

President Bush’s Office of Science
and Technology Policy teamed with over 35 public and private
organizations to plan events that highlight this year’s theme of,
"Science and Technology: Serving Our Global
Community."  The activities are designed to promote science
and math education, but more importantly to excite K-12 students
about the world of science.

Global Science and Technology Week
kicks off on Monday, April 29, 2002 from 1:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. (EST)
with a live web cast that allows students to meet scientists and
engineers conducing cutting edge research across the country. 
Students will be able to view presentations from scientists designing
supercomputers, developing interactive devices designed to replace
body parts, and researching wildfires. 

In addition, students will be able
to participate all week in an on-line "Ask a Scientist"
dialogue.  This activity will allow students, teachers and
parents to submit science questions on-line and receive answers from
scientists.  Likewise, students across America will be invited
to Honor a Global Scientist," by researching innovators whose contributions have and served the
global community and nominating them for a $50,000 "Technology
Benefiting Humanity Award" presented by Applied Materials, Inc., in cooperation
with the Tech Museum of Innovation, located in San Jose, CA.

More information on how students,
teachers and parents can participate in these exciting events can be
found at
