SYRACUSE, N.Y. – Rep. Sherwood L. Boehlert (R-NY), Chairman of the House Committee on Science, released the following statement today in
response to NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe’s speech at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs:

“There is a verse from Proverbs 29:18, etched into the walls of our Science Committee hearing room that I am reminded of today – ‘Where there is no
vision, the people perish.’ After only a few, hectic months on the job, Administrator O’Keefe has begun to articulate his vision for NASA, and I am
encouraged by what I have heard.

“I look forward to working closely with Administrator O’Keefe as he refines this vision and works towards achieving the goals he outlined today.

“I applaud his emphasis on science as the driver of NASA’s mission, and his focus on education as a central task. NASA has an unparalleled capacity
to inspire our young people. We must take full advantage of this resource, and Sean is leading us down that path. I am also pleased that Sean has
included in his picture of the future for 2030, an increased understanding of the Earth, protection of its ‘scarce resources,’ and improved aeronautics.

“As I’ve said before, I believe NASA must be an affordable, well-managed, science driven agency. And again, Administrator O’Keefe is the right man,
at the right time for the job and the challenges that lie ahead.”

Boehlert and O’Keefe will be holding a press briefing following the speech, from 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. in the Maxwell Public Events Room located at 200
Eggers Hall.