WASHINGTON, D.C. – The International Space Station Management and Cost Evaluation Task Force today released its report on the management problems and
cost overruns on the International Space Station. The task force, chaired by Tom Young, recommended significant management changes and a renewed focus on
the scientific capabilities of the station.

House Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) responded to the report saying, “The Young Report clearly outlines the flaws in the
current Space Station program and the kinds of steps that must be taken to ensure that it remains a viable program. We will hold a hearing next Wednesday to
begin reviewing the Report’s recommendations in detail. But we already know that NASA must make major changes in its organization, attitudes, procedures and
culture. We will be overseeing NASA closely to ensure that those changes are made.”

“I am encouraged that the Task Force has reaffirmed the importance of building a Space Station that achieves its unique research potential,” added Ranking
Member Ralph M. Hall (D-TX). “The taxpayers of the United States and our International Partners expect no less. The Task Force has given us some useful
guidance on how NASA can go about getting to that desired outcome.”
The House Science Committee will be holding a hearing on Wednesday, November 7, 2001 at 10:00am in Rayburn 2318 to review the Task Force’s findings in
greater depth.

Press Contacts:

Heidi Mohlman Tringe (Heidi.Tringe@mail.house.gov)

Jeff Donald (Jeffrey.Donald@mail.house.gov)
