The Beyond Earth Institute (Beyond Earth), a non-partisan think tank supporting a long-term human presence in space, applauds Vice President Kamala Harris and the members of the U.S. National Space Council on the release of the “United States Space Priorities Framework” on December 1, 2021. 
Beyond Earth’s goals fully align with Vice President Harris’ focus on STEM, the use of space assets to support climate change mitigation, and the promotion of rules and norms.
Steve Wolfe, Beyond Earth President and Co-founder said, “The Space Priorities Framework concisely identifies critical near-term activities to help ensure U.S. leadership and economic competitiveness in this new era of space exploration and development. Improving our workforce preparedness through STEM activities and addressing space debris and space traffic management are critical to the robust long-term sustainability of space development.”
Beyond Earth looks forward to working with the National Space Council to address the stated space priorities and encourage them to go further. Steve Wolfe said, “We encourage Ms. Harris and the Council to consider policies that will anticipate the rapidly evolving nature of human presence in space. In past months we have seen plans by companies such as Nanoracks, Blue Origin, and Axiom to construct the first wholly commercial human habitats in space. This is completely new in the space arena. What will that require from a policy and regulatory perspective? It’s uncharted territory.”
Further, Beyond Earth will continue to stress the need for a National Strategy on Space Solar Power as part of a comprehensive effort to address climate change – a priority of the Vice President and the Biden Administration. BE Vice President and former National Space Council alumnus, Courtney Stadd added, “The Vice President committed to adding more implementation details to the Framework document in the coming months. We look forward to working with the Space Council staff to advocate that the Space Solar Power initiative becomes a major element of Administration’s efforts to address the planet’s existential energy and environmental challenges. To that end, we have issued a detailed white paper and even submitted a draft Presidential space policy directive on SSP for consideration by the Council.”
The Beyond Earth proposal National Strategy on Space Solar Power, along with draft language for a space policy directive executive can be found at
About the Beyond Earth Institute
The Beyond Earth Institute ( is a non-profit think tank which conducts research, provides analysis, makes recommendations, and develops vital insights regarding space policy proposals with near-term and far-ranging implications. We believe the ultimate goal of space exploration and development is to help move humanity beyond Earth, and that the legal and policy framework should be established now to enable that future. We also believe that government space activities can and should help people on Earth in their everyday lives, even as we work to build a future with economically vibrant communities of people living and working beyond planet Earth.
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David Bullock