Today, the Beyond Earth Institute, a think tank supporting a long-term human presence in space, released the following statement congratulating Virgin Galactic on their successful test flight, carrying onboard the company’s founder, Sir Richard Branson.
“Let’s face it. The tech for Virgin Galactic SpaceShip took way longer than anyone expected. What was never in doubt was the market and wide interest in making space travel accessible to regular people. Once Virgin Galactic begins regular flight to space, all the past challenges will be forgotten,” said Beyond Earth President and co-founder, Steve Wolfe.
Space tourism company, Virgin Galactic, completing their fourth test flight with Branson on board, illustrates just how far commercial human spaceflight has progressed. Continuing to advance endeavors such as space tourism will inevitably lead to a brighter future, flush with humans living, working, and playing beyond the Earth.
“I couldn’t be more excited for the VG team and all their passengers who will soon have their space dream realized,” Wolfe continued. By reaching yet another milestone, Virgin Galactic has brought themselves closer to realizing viable space tourism, while bringing us all a bit closer to the prospect of human communities beyond Earth.
About the Beyond Earth Institute
The Beyond Earth Institute is a 501(c)(3) U.S. non-profit organization (application pending). It is at the heart of all related initiatives that impact the success of the space movement with respect to human expansion beyond Earth. Beyond Earth’s focus is on technology readiness, worldwide public support, and related public policy enactment, including recommendations for policy initiatives. Beyond Earth conducts primary and secondary research, then consolidates and publicizes reports to be delivered and presented widely throughout the space policy community both in the U.S. and internationally.