Space policy think tank the Beyond Earth Institute has revealed new research findings in a report titled, “Policy Recommendations to Accelerate the Establishment of Communities in Space.”

The report is the result of series of interviews with seven thought leaders within space policy, education, and exploration. Each interviewee was asked to respond to the current U.S. and international space policy, and to propose changes to further plan for commercial development of space and the eventual construction of communities beyond the Earth’s surface. Based on the expertise of these figures within the industry, Beyond Earth authors made the derived policy recommendations:

1. The United States Government must revamp the arms and export control regime, including ITAR and CFIUS, as these regulations in their current form are hurting high-tech U.S. commercial development, failing to achieve their goals, and impeding progress towards permanent human habitation of space.

2. The international aerospace industry should establish voluntary norms of behavior surrounding commercial activities in space. These norms may be administered by trade associations and should be designed to influence any future regulatory, legal, or diplomatic framework covering private sector space activity including the construction of space communities.

3. The United States Government should establish a whole-of-government sectoral trade and exploration agreement with like-minded allies focused on space commercial development and the eventual establishment of permanent human communities in space.

“Looking at current space policy through the lens of eventual human expansion into space and what it means to create that reality is not only instructive, but extremely important right now,” said Beyond Earth Co-Founder Steve Wolfe. The overall findings conclude:

“While the recommendations in this first of Beyond Earth’s policy papers are not comprehensive, we believe they lay the foundation for policies that will support a future for millions of humans living and working in space. The authors hope this paper will encourage space policy makers to take a broader view, and where possible, take actions that favor the development of communities in space.”

Experts who participated in the research include Pete Worden, Chairman at Breakthrough Prize Foundation and former Director of NASA Ames Research Center; Greg Autry, Founder, Southern California Commercial Spaceflight Initiative; Michelle Hanlon, Co-Director of the National Center for Air and Space Law at the University of Mississippi School of Law; Chris Hearsey, Principal at OSA Consulting, LLC; Fred Kennedy, Vice President, Future Missions, Astra Space; Laura Montgomery, Adjunct Professor at Catholic University’s Columbus School of Law; and Ben Roberts, Vice President, Government Affairs, Moon Express.

“This report is the tip of the iceberg in the development that will lead to creating new branches of civilization in space,” said Beyond Earth Co-Founder Tony DeTora. “The prospect that may seem far off to some, but the vision is demanding and there is much that can be accomplished now on a policy level to expedite this process of when life will truly be able to take root beyond Earth.”

The full report can be downloaded from

To discuss the report, Beyond Earth will be hosting a web event on July 8th at 1:00 PM Eastern Time. The event will feature special guest Mike Gold, NASA Acting Associate Administrator for International and Interagency Relations. Details and registration for the event can be found at

About Beyond Earth Institute

The Beyond Earth Institute is a 501(c)(3) U.S. non-profit organization (application pending). It is at the heart of all related initiatives that impact the success of the space movement with respect to human expansion beyond Earth. Beyond Earth’s focus is on technology readiness, worldwide public support, and related public policy enactment, including recommendations for policy initiatives. Beyond Earth conducts primary and secondary research, then consolidates and publicizes reports to be delivered and presented widely throughout the space policy community both in the U.S. and internationally.

Media Contact:

Stacey Fleischer 917-673-3610

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