The Space Frontier Foundation
today announced the addition of Bechtel National, Inc., Forever
Bound, and LunaCorp as sponsors for this year‚s "Return to the
Moon III" symposium
to be held at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 19-21, 2001.

Foundation President Rick Tumlinson said the new sponsors bring
added strength to an already strong field of sponsors. 
"Our symposium brings together all the best minds in the lunar
settlement industry. These three
organizations are key players and we‚re pleased to have them on the
team," he said.

Bechtel National
is a premier worldwide builder of large construction
projects.  Recent projects
include: Space Launch Complex 3 (California), Channel Tunnel Rail
Link (UK), the Mayakan Pipeline (Mexico),
the Meizhou Wan power plant (China), and many others.

Forever Bound ( develops
space themed entertainment to enable real space projects.
William M. Boland, originator of Forever Bound, LLC, said, "The
near earth/moon system is the immediate economic
and operational proving ground. In low earth orbit and on/around the
moon provides ample opportunity for us to be
the explorers, enjoyers, and entrepreneurs we need to be. There we
will build essential confidence in techniques and
direction, while delivering the key people market. The enthusiasm and
activism of space people, faithfully cultivated,
and borne of in space experiences, will provide whatever fuel to
sustain our inevitable reach outward. Mars will wait
until we are ready. It is not either/or, but when and why," he

LunaCorp ( is
developing ways to open lunar exploration and settlement to the
general public
via tele-exploration with Moon robots.  "RadioShack is our
first sponsor for this effort," said David Gump, LunaCorp
President.  "Last month, RadioShack premiered the first TV
ad shot on the International Space Station, which we set up
for them.  With our partners at the Robotics Institute at
Carnegie Mellon University, we are developing lunar robots to
be remotely operated by armchair explorers on Earth, who will
experience the lunar adventure in high-resolution Internet
video and also at science centers equipped with our ‘telepresence’

Other sponsors of this year‚s symposium include Las Vegas-based
Bigelow Aerospace Corporation, FINDS, The National Space Society,
Space Studies Institute, International Space University, AIAA, AAS,
and The American Society of Civil Engineers.