The Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. NPP satellite is encapsulated inside the fairing (nose cone) of a United Launch Alliance Delta II launch vehicle in preparation for liftoff from Space Launch Complex-2 at Vandenberg Air Force Base Space, October 28, 2011, at 2:48 PDT (5:48 EDT).

NPP is NASA’s first Earth-observing satellite to measure both global climate changes and a host of key weather variables. Ball Aerospace built the NPP satellite BCP 2000 satellite bus for Goddard Space Flight Center under fixed-price terms. Ball also built one of five instruments for NPP – the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS).

Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. supports critical missions of important national agencies such as the Department of Defense, NASA, NOAA and other U.S. government and commercial entities. The company develops and manufactures spacecraft, advanced instruments and sensors, components, data exploitation systems and RF solutions for strategic, tactical and scientific applications. For more information visit

Ball Corporation (NYSE:BLL) is a supplier of high quality packaging for beverage, food and household products customers, and of aerospace and other technologies and services, primarily for the U.S. government. Ball Corporation and its subsidiaries employ more than 14,500 people worldwide and reported 2010 sales of more than $7.6 billion. For the latest Ball news and for other company information, please visit