RELEASE: 00-138

When Ben Bova puts ink to paper, worlds collide. Capability and
possibility merge, bringing to life distant planets, medical miracles and a
future brimming with limitless potential for all of humanity.

Next month, when Bova addresses scientists, thinkers and engineers
at NASA’s second “Turning Goals into Reality” conference, he won’t just be
talking about the future of aerospace transportation — he may be helping to
create it.

The conference, to be held May 18-19 at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight
Center in Huntsville, Ala., will spotlight aerospace accomplishments by NASA
and its industry partners and ponder the future of air and space
transportation technology.

Bova, the author of more than 90 books and six-time recipient of the
Hugo Science Fiction Achievement Award, will deliver the keynote address
during an awards banquet at the Huntsville Marriott at 7:30 p.m. on May 18.

The conference will precede Marshall’s Open House on May 20.

For more information on the “Turning Goals into Reality” conference,
visit the Web site at:

Bova started writing fiction in the late 1940s while pursuing
careers in aerospace, education and journalism. In his writings, he has
predicted the 1960s space race, solar-powered satellites, electronic books,
virtual reality, the “Star Wars” Strategic Defense Initiative, the discovery
of water on the Moon and the discovery of life on Mars. He remains a
frequent radio and television commentator and lecturer.

His novels, such as Moonwar, Moonrise and Mars, combine space
adventure with the highest degree of scientific accuracy to explore the
impact of future technologies on human beings and society. His nonfiction
work illustrates how modern technology can be used to solve economic, social
and political problems.

His latest work of fiction, Venus, was released this month by
Tor Books.

A past editor of Analog and Omni magazines, Bova also writes
opinion pieces and book reviews for USA Today, and serves as president
emeritus of the National Space Society.

Bova received a doctorate in education in 1996 from California
Coast University, a master’s in communications from the State University of
New York at Albany in 1987, and a bachelor’s degree in journalism from
Temple University in 1954. He is a native of Philadelphia.

Bova is on the Web at:

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June Malone

Media Relations Department

(256) 544-0034