A newly appointed International Space Advisory Group will meet in Canberra
today for the first time, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for
Industry, Science and Resources, Mr Warren Entsch said today.

Chaired by Australia’s first person to fly in space, Dr Paul Scully-Power,
the group brings together some of Australia’s greatest minds in space
science and research and teams them up with Australian industry leaders in
the field of space applications.

Mr Entsch, said the meeting would lay the foundations for the development
of a strategy for Australia’s engagement in key international space programs.

“The group will identify opportunities for Australian involvement in the
International Space Station (ISS) and other international space programs,
and will assess the potential scientific and commercial benefits in pursuing
such opportunities,” he said.

“This could include such things as Australia taking a direct role in testing
and providing landing sites for NASA’s new X-38 ISS crew rescue vessel,
right through to possible collaboration in the development of habitation
modules for the International Space Station and space based research in the
life sciences.”

Australia is ramping up its efforts in international space cooperation, and
recently signed an important Agreement with the Government of the Russian
Federation to provide a framework for cooperation between the two countries,
and to facilitate the transfer of information and technology between the two

“The formation of the advisory group further reinforces Australia’s
intention of becoming a major player in the international space industry,”
Mr Entsch said.

“There are currently a number of companies proposing to establish satellite
launch facilities in Australia. If successful, they will provide a host
of current and follow-on opportunities for space systems, engineering,
telecommunications and infrastructure.”

Australia has a long history of cooperation in international space
activities. It was one of the first nations in the world to launch a
satellite from its own territory. Australia has also contributed to the
US human spaceflight program through communication and tracking support,
and has been at the leading edge of probing deep space for the origins of
the Universe.

Mr Entsch emphasised the importance of Australia’s ongoing involvement in
international space activities.

“It is important that we establish now the research links with international
programs which will enable us to realise the gains for the launch sector as
they arise,” he said.

“The formation of the International Space Advisory Group is an important
opportunity for the Australian space sector to develop a strategy for
leveraging our space-related research and skills base off the key
international space programs.”

Terms of reference and membership for the Advisory Group are attached.

Warren Entsch, MP

Parliamentary Secretary to the
Minister for Industry, Science and Resources

Canberra, Australia


Greg Doolan, Office of Warren Entsch

0418 213 243


Terms of Reference

The Advisory Group will facilitate consultation with the scientific and research communities and with industry in identifying opportunities and strategies for
Australian involvement with the International Space Station (ISS), including options on funding.
Specific functions of the Advisory Group are to:

1. canvass the views of the scientific and research communities and industry on international collaboration in space science and research projects;

2. identify opportunities, pathways and strategies for Australian involvement with the ISS and other international space programs, including those of the
European Space Agency;

3. assess priorities for Australian engagement in these programs, having regard to costs, available sources of funding, and anticipated national benefits;

4. report on these matters to the Chief Scientist by 22 June 2001, as a basis for the Chief Scientist to assess whether a more detailed report might be
proposed for presentation to the Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council.


Dr Paul Scully-Power

Dr Scully is a businessman, mathematician, high-tech consultant, scientist, author, oceanographer, and Australia’s first astronaut. Currently, he is
Chairman of the Australian Civil Aviation Authority, Chairman of the Australian Fund Ltd, Chairman of the international business publishers Stroudgate
Australasia, and is Chairman or Director of a number of other corporations both public and private. He is also Executive Chairman of his own high-tech
consulting company Prime Solutions Pacific.

Mr Kirby Ikin

Kirby Ikin serves as the Director of Commercial Operations at the Asia Pacific Space Centre. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Space
Society (NSS) in Washington DC, and is the first non-US person to hold this position. He is also Chairman of the National Space Society of Australia. In
1999 Kirby was the recipient of the National Space Society of Australian Space Pioneer Award.

Professor Peter Dyson

Prof Dyson has over 30 years experience in research into radio propagation, aeronomy and the properties of the ionosphere and is an Associate Dean at La
Trobe University. He is a consultant to government and industry on radio propagation and equipment design and development for radio communications.

Dr Brian Embleton

Dr Embleton is the Executive Director of the Cooperative Research Centre for Satellite Systems (CRCSS). He represents Australian space interests at the
International Astonautical Federation, the Space Agency Forum, and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). In
September 1998, Dr Embleton was elected to the International Academy of Astronauts (IAA) and in May 2000 he was appointed Coordinator of ESCAP’s
Regional Working Group on Space Science and Technology Applications.

Dr Ian Tuohy

Dr Tuohy has a strong background in X-ray Astronomy with his key space-related projects being the Endeavour ultra-violet space telescope (launched on the
Space Shuttle), and the Starlab and Lyman ultra-violet space telescope feasibility studies. He is currently employed with BAE SYSTEMS in Adelaide and is
responsible for various aerospace and space activities, with a special focus on Woomera.

Mr Roger Franzen

Mr Franzen is the General Manager of Auspace Ltd and has been an active participant in first the European and then the Australian space engineering
industries for nearly 20 years. He has worked with Auspace Ltd on several national programs including the Endeavour Ultraviolet Telescope, the southern
Launch Vehicle and in more recent times, the ARIES Commercial Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Satellite.

Dr Owen Mace

Dr Mace is currently a senior consultant for Aspect Computing Pty Ltd, and has had 30 years experience in the planning design,
implementation, use and management of electrical and electronic systems, including computer systems in both technical and commercial
applications. A trained engineer and physicist, with a distinguished academic record, he has previously worked as a lecturer, researcher,
consultant and senior manager in a commercial environment. as an engineer he has worked on communications and infra-red imaging
systems both in academia and in the telecommunications and defence industries.

Dr David Rennison

Dr Rennison is the Managing Director of Vipac Engineers & Scientists Ltd and the Director of Vibro-Acoustic Sciences Ltd. Over the past 25 years, Dr
Rennison has worked strategically and technically in the industrial, aerospace and defence fields. Dr Rennison worked in the USA on projects concerned
with dynamics assessment and vibration of the Space Shuttle Orbiter Vehicle, commercial aeroplanes and satellites, and maintains strong industry links
with USA and European organisations. He has won awards from NASA for his contributions to aerospace technology development.

Mr James Moody

Mr Moody has recently been chosen as Australian young Professional Engineer of the Year for his contributions to society. He is working to build and
launch FedSat for the CRCSS and has been selected as the engineer to transfer the satellite technology from England to his company Vipac Scientists &
Engineers Ltd and the Australian community. In 1999 Mr Moody was invited to become a member of the youth advisory council for the UN Environment
Program (UNEP). He was also involved in the organisation of the national youth space forum, SpaceFutures 2000.

Mr Curtis Johnston

Mr Curtis Johnston has been in involved with the United States Aerospace industry for over 34 years. Specifically, he has worked for North America
Rockwell (NAR), Goodyear Aircraft (GA) and General Dynamics (GD). He has been the Missile Launch Conductor for both Matador and Atlas Missiles, as
well as the Atlas ABRES Program Manager, and Installation and Operations Supervisor, Launch base Chief Engineer, and Marketing Manager for GD in
Saudi Arabia for three years.

Professor Ray Norris

Professor Norris is the Deputy Director of the CSIRO Australian Telescope National Facility.

Mr Terry Stevenson

Terry Stevenson is the current Technical Director of Boeing Australia and has held this position for the past three years. Prior to this he was the Group
Engineering Manager of Stanilite Electronics. Terry has held Senior Engineering Management position in both the defence and commercial sectors over the
past 15 years. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electrical Engineering and a Doctorate in Telecommunications.

Mr Maurice Hermann
Mr Hermann graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1972 and a Graduate Diploma in Computing Studies in 1974. Mr Hermann has spent his
working career in the Australian Public Service, except for two years in private industry in the United Kingdom. Most of Mr Hermann’s career has been in
Defence related areas. Mr Hermann was appointed to his current position in January 2001. The Branch which he leads is responsible for managing and
coordinating the interaction which DSTO has with industry, academia, foreign governments, the Defence Materiel Organisation, the Press and the general

Dr Andrew Thomas
Dr Thomas has considerable space flight experience. He was selected by NASA in March 1992 and reported to the Johnson Space Center in August 1992. In
August 1993, following one year of training, he was appointed a member of the astronaut corp and was qualified for assignment as a mission specialist on
Space Shuttle flight crews.
In June 1995 Dr. Thomas was named as payload commander for STS-77 and flew his first flight in space on Endeavour in May 1996. He next trained at the
Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, Russia in preparation for a long-duration flight. In 1998, he served as Board Engineer 2 aboard the Russian
Space Station Mir for 130 days. Dr. Thomas recently completed his third space flight on STS-102 and has logged over 163 days in space.
The Endeavour STS-77 flight was a 10-day mission launched on May 19, 1996, completing 160 orbits. On January 22, 1998, Dr. Thomas launched aboard
Space Shuttle Endeavour as part of the STS-89 crew to dock with the Mir Space Station. He served aboard Mir as Flight Engineer 2 and returned to earth with
the crew of STS-91 aboard Space Shuttle Discovery on June 12, 1998, completing 141 days in space and 2,250 orbits of the earth. Dr. Thomas’s third flight
was on the eighth Shuttle mission to visit the International Space Station.
Dr Thomas was born in Adelaide in 1951. He received a bachelor of engineering degree in mechanical engineering, with First Class Honors, from the
University of Adelaide, South Australia, in 1973, and a doctorate in mechanical engineering from the University of Adelaide in 1978.Return to previous page