ATLAS Space Operations, Inc. announced today that it has entered a collaborative partnership with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). This partnership, as a part of the Announcement of Collaborative Opportunity (ACO), will work to support the development of advanced commercial space telecommunications capabilities, industry wide.

ATLAS is revolutionizing space-to-ground communications with their proprietary data management platform – ATLAS FreedomTM and a scalable satellite ground station technology, ATLAS LINKSTM Electronically Steered Array.

ATLAS will be working alongside NASA Goddard Space Flight Center to advance the development of the ATLAS LINKSTM system. LINKSTM is as a state-of-the-art, lightweight, high-performance alternative to traditional parabolic, mechanically steered radio frequency (RF) satellite ground stations. ATLAS LINKSTM  is the first of its kind, portable and easily deployable RF ground system in the world. With this technology and NASA’s support, access to advanced communications systems will be more affordable and readily available for all companies looking to send assets on orbit.

“We’re excited for the opportunity to work with NASA Goddard and show the rest of the space industry what ATLAS and our LINKSTM system has to offer.” Stated Sean McDaniel, CEO of ATLAS. “Our technology will rapidly expand the capability of the NASA Near Earth Network at a more affordable price point, introducing efficiency in an austere budget environment”

The ACO was released by NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) and provides the chosen industry partners with test facilities as well as access to hardware and software to advance these new technologies.

About ATLAS Space Operations, Inc.

ATLAS Space Operations, Inc. is a state-of-the-art satellite data communications company utilizing the latest software-based technologies to provide the most effective, cost-cutting solutions across the board. Our proprietary software-centric approach completely bypasses the need for onsite maintenance costs – cutting installation and engineering costs like never before. The ATLAS network offers global coverage and data services for your satellite at a fraction of the price offered by legacy solutions. For more information, visit and follow @AtlasSpace  on Twitter.

Media Contact:

Dan Carey, ATLAS Space Operations
Director of Marketing
(877) 392-8527 ext. 105