CAPE CANAVERAL Air Force Station, FL, May 16, 2000 –
The launch of AC-201, the first Atlas III rocket, was scrubbed for the second time this afternoon because of upper atmosphere wind shears, which did not abate throughout the 140-minute launch window. The launch vehicle and spacecraft teams were working no issues during the countdown. The Bermuda radar that scrubbed Monday’s attempt was up and running.
The Atlas launch team will recycle the operation for 24 hours and be ready to start the countdown on Wednesday morning, May 17. The window for Wednesday’s launch is the same * 5:37 to 7:57 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. The weather forecast for tomorrow’s launch is also the same as today with a 90% forecast of favorable conditions.
The launch will be broadcast on Galaxy 3, Transponder 23, C-band, starting at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. The launch will also be streamed live on the International Launch Services web site *
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Julie Andrews (Cape Office)
321-730-5305, 5300
Cellular: 619-813-8355
Joan Underwood (LMSS Astronautics)
Pager: (888)369-2496