Dwayne Brown

Headquarters, Washington, DC

(Phone: 202/358-1726)

Doug Peterson

Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX

(Phone: 281/483-5111)

RELEASE: 00-154

A cadre of 20 astronauts and one Russian cosmonaut has been
assigned to four Space Shuttle missions targeted for launches in

Two of the missions, STS-100 and STS-104, will continue the on-
orbit construction of the International Space Station (ISS). The
third, STS-107, will be dedicated to scientific research for the
U.S. and its international partners, while the fourth flight, STS-
109, will conduct the fourth scheduled servicing visit to the
Hubble Space Telescope.

Kent V. Rominger will lead the STS-100 mission to install the
Canadian-built Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) and
attach the Rafaello Multi-Purpose Logistics Module 2 (MPLM 2) to
the space station during three scheduled spacewalks. Also named to
the crew are Pilot Jeffrey S. Ashby, Mission Specialist John L.
Phillips, and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Lonchakov. Mission
Specialists Scott E. Parazynski, Canadian astronaut Chris A.
Hadfield, and Italian astronaut Umberto Guidoni of the European
Space Agency (ESA) were previously named to the crew.

Rominger, on his fifth trip to space, will serve as commander for
a second time. He flew on STS-73 in 1995, STS-80 in 1996, STS-85
in 1997, and STS-96 in 1999. Ashby will be serving as pilot for
the second time following his first flight on STS-93 in 1999.
Parazynski will be making his fourth flight, having flown on STS-
66 in 1994, STS-86 in 1997, and STS-95 in 1998. Hadfield flew
previously on STS-74 in 1995, and Guidoni will be returning to
space, having flown as a payload specialist on STS-75 in 1996.
Phillips, a member of the 1996 astronaut class, will be making his
first space flight on STS-100. Cosmonaut Lonchakov also will be
making his first flight into space.

The STS-104 mission will feature three spacewalks to continue ISS
assembly and will deliver and install the space station’s airlock.
First-time Commander Steven W. Lindsey and Pilot Charles O.
Hobaugh will be joined by mission specialists Janet L. Kavandi,
Michael L. Gernhardt, and James F. Reilly.

Lindsey previously flew as pilot on STS-87 in 1997 and STS-95 in
1998. Hobaugh, selected as an astronaut candidate in 1996, will be
making his first flight into space. STS-104 will mark Kavandi’s
third journey into space, after STS-91 in 1998 and STS-99 earlier
this year. Gernhardt is a veteran of three previous Space Shuttle
missions, having flown on STS-69 in 1995, and STS-83 and STS-94 in
1997, while Reilly has one previous space flight, STS-89 in 1998,
to his credit.

Four mission specialists and one payload specialist have been
assigned to the STS-107 mission, undertaking a series of U.S.,
international and commercial experiments. Michael P. Anderson and
Kalpana Chawla will be joined by Mission Specialists David M.
Brown and Laurel B. Clark, both members of the astronaut class of
1996 and first-time fliers. Payload Specialist Ilan Ramon will
round out the crew. Anderson and Chawla both have one previous
space flight to their credit, STS-89 in 1998 and STS-87 in 1997,
respectively. A commander and pilot will be named at a later date.

Four astronauts will begin training for five scheduled spacewalks
to upgrade and service the Hubble Space Telescope during the STS-
109 mission in late 2001. Three veteran astronauts, John M.
Grunsfeld, James H. Newman, and Richard M. Linnehan, will be
joined by Michael J. Massimino, who will be making his first space

Grunsfeld has flown three times, STS-67 in 1995, STS-81 in 1997,
and STS-103 in 1999 when he performed two spacewalks to service
the Hubble Space Telescope. Newman, veteran of three space
flights, STS-51 in 1993, STS-69 in 1995, and STS-88 in 1998, has
conducted four previous spacewalks. Linnehan flew on STS-78 in
1996 and STS-90 in 1998. Massimino is a member of the 1996
astronaut class. A commander, pilot and flight engineer will be
named at a later date.

A complete list of all astronauts and their biographical data can
be found on the Internet at:


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