Astronaut James Reilly will become only the seventh person named an Honorary
U.S. Marshal in a swearing-in ceremony at NASA’s Johnson Space Center,
Houston, TX, at 9 a.m. June 4 in the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility (Building

Reilly is a mission specialist for the upcoming STS-104 space shuttle
mission and a former keynote speaker at three Marshals Service management
training conferences. He will be the first U.S. Marshal in space.

Marshals Service Acting Director Louie McKinney will perform the ceremony
and issue the oath of office to Reilly. Other Honorary U.S. Marshals include
President Ronald Reagan, actor James Arness, Sen. Robert Dole, Sen. John
Warner, entertainer Bob Hope and Sony Music executive Tommy Mottola.

Media representatives wishing to cover the ceremony and following short
photo opportunity must notify the JSC newsroom before 5 p.m., Friday, June
1, for accreditation and badging.