An AstroMast(TM) boom designed
and built by Astro Aerospace helped NASA to successfully deploy the Gamma Ray
Spectrometer (GRS) instrument sensor head on the 2001 Mars Odyssey Spacecraft
earlier this week. Launched in 2001, the Odyssey spacecraft is part of NASA’s
long-term Mars Exploration Program.

The six-meter boom is designed to enhance mapping of the surface of Mars
by reducing interference from gamma rays generated by the spacecraft. One of
three instrument suites on Odyssey, the GRS will determine the presence of
chemical elements on the surface of Mars. Mars Odyssey is managed by NASA’s
Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

“We are delighted with our second success on a Mars mission, complementing
our deployable ramps on Mars Pathfinder — and very proud of Astro’s record of
reliability,” said Chris Yamada, president, Astro Aerospace. “We have flown
hundreds of mechanisms on critical space missions, and every Astro product has
provided 100% mission success.”

AstroMast booms feature ultra-compact stowed volume, low mass and
excellent deployed stiffness. Some 35 AstroMasts are already in earth and
interplanetary orbits, having been used to deploy instruments, antennas and
solar sails for civil, military and commercial customers.

Astro Aerospace is a wholly owned subsidiary of TRW, Inc. ,
with headquarters in Carpinteria, Calif. Astro Aerospace is a leader in the
design and manufacture of space deployable structures, including furlable
antennas and reflectors, truss masts, telescopic booms, storable tubular
extendible members, solar arrays and deep truss structures. Further
information on Astro Aerospace is available at