Astrolink Spacecraft On Track to Launch in the First Quarter of 2003

International LLC, a global broadband telecommunications company,
today announced that the flight panels for its first satellite were
completed six weeks ahead of schedule.

Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems (LMCSS) delivered the
flight panels to TRW Space Park in Redondo Beach, CA to begin testing
and integration. This marks a critical milestone for Astrolink, which
is on schedule to launch service in the first quarter of 2003.

Astrolink will provide state-of-the-art bandwidth-on-demand
services over satellite to subscribers at broadband data rates as high
as 1,000 times faster than conventional telephone dial-up capability.
The flexibility and speed of the platform will enable Astrolink to
deliver highly cost-effective broadband services tailored to the
evolving requirements of the enterprise market.

Astrolink will launch these services in multiple phases. The first
phase will include Internet access/Internet service, point-to-point
connectivity, multicasting, and IP virtual private networks (VPN).

“The service offering that Astrolink is planning to provide will
have market appeal,” said Nick Maynard, Yankee Group analyst. “A wide
range of enterprises, especially those with 100-1,000 employees, could
benefit from this level of bandwidth offering.”

The satellite structure delivered by LMCSS will contain the
on-board processors or switches being developed by TRW. These on-board
switches will enable Astrolink to provide high-speed, any-to-any IP
connections to enterprise sites around the world.

Dave Rosener, Astrolink’s vice president of space and launch
systems, said, “We are excited about the progress to date in building
Astrolink’s space segment. Astrolink plans to be the first satellite
Ka-band network to utilize next-generation technology, including
on-board, switched processing and spot beams. This new technology will
for the first time enable satellites to provide cost-effective
broadband data services to business enterprises of any size.”

Photo available upon request.

About Astrolink

Astrolink is owned by Liberty Media, Lockheed Martin Global
Telecommunications, Telespazio, and TRW. Based in Bethesda, Maryland,
Astrolink will build and operate a global telecommunications network
that leverages state-of-the-art satellite technology.

Astrolink will focus on the high-growth area of broadband data
services, carrying traffic for Internet, intranet, multimedia, and
corporate data networks. Small satellite dishes will be installed at
businesses to quickly and cost-effectively connect them to high-speed

The service will be complementary and compatible with other
broadband services like fiber optic transmission and fixed wireless
technologies. Astrolink’s web site is at