Gives Students an Opportunity to Learn From Shuttle
Astronaut Fred Leslie

Students and teachers who missed’s interactive audio program with Fred Leslie on Wednesday can log onto the site’s archives to learn more about the shuttle and space
travel. Leslie’s discussion includes information about the shuttle in general as well as his personal experience in space.

In this “Ask an Astronaut” segment, kids from various schools talk to Leslie in a NASA interactive session. “Ask an Astronaut” is part of The TREK in
the Classroom project. AZ Technology in Huntsville, AL provides the technology support for the Ask An Astronaut series. Past sessions have included
astronaut Jan Davis and scientist Dr. Craig Kundrot.

To listen to Leslie, just go to

“ is pleased to offer students a continuing opportunity to benefit from this interesting, educational session,” says executive vice
president Tim Erwin. “Mr. Leslie’s insights and answers to the students’ questions can provide valuable learning material for science and space
education.”, a divine interVentures company, is one of the world’s leading entertainment networks and hosts a variety of video and audio
programming from live events to studio productions and delayed events. produces its own events and works in association with a
variety of media partners, artists and content owners. For more information, go to

Contact:, Huntsville

Tina Hicks, 800/840-8638 x7030