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ASGSR 2021 Art Competition

2021 ASGSR Art Competition

This is your chance to showcase your creative side and your research! Again this year the conference will have an art competition with two categories of winning entries. Like in 2020, one category will be eligible for placement on the cover of the ASGSR’s Open-Access journal Gravitational and Space Research for 2022, and selected by the GSR Editorial Board. The second category will be selected as People’s Choice, as voted by ASGSR conference attendees. So consider submitting an entry for yourself or your students. Entries will be displayed at the 2021 ASGSR conference. One award will be given in each of the two areas: Journal Cover and Audience Choice.

Submissions will be evaluated based on their artistic merit and/or technical merit. Eligible entries for the GSR Journal Cover must be original scientific imagery. Eligible entries for Audience Choice can include: images (photographs or computer-generated), paintings, drawings, or sketches of gravitational and space research phenomena. Rearrangement, assembly, or other creative mixing of images into an art-form is appropriate and encouraged only for the Audience Choice category, whereas the GSR Journal Cover entries must be original imagery. Last year’s winning art entries are shown above.

To enter, electronically submit a high resolution image with a title, list of contributing artists and their affiliations, and brief explanation of your submission to Tara Ruttleyat by October 22, 2021. To participate, at least one of the artists is required to be a registered attendee at the meeting and
the art must be physically displayed during the meeting.

We recommend you mount it with a rigid backing or frame so it stands up on the provided easel, with a maximum size no greater than 25 by 16 inches. If traveling by air, please make sure to consider luggage size. The display should include a title of the piece, artists / affiliations and brief explanation (a few sentences). Voting will be by Title, so please try to use a concise and catchy title that is easy to write on the ballot. Similar to what one would see in an art gallery, the quality of printing, use of border, frames, 3D effects, etc., can significantly enhance the visual and professional appeal of your artwork.

You are expected to set up your display at the meeting site at the start of the conference and remove it by the end of the meeting. We will provide easels for your art displays. Contact Art Competition Coordinator Tara Ruttley at if you have any questions. The ASGSR cannot guarantee the security of your artwork while on display at the hotel. Submission indicates your permission for your artwork to be displayed on the ASGSR website. Each registered attendee will receive an art ballot as part of the registration package. The peer voting will occur throughout the conference until noon Saturday. We plan to announce the winners before at the banquet that evening. We encourage you to submit an entry and look forward to a very successful event.

Submission indicates your permission for your artwork to be displayed on the ASGSR website and to be used on the 2021 Gravitational and Space Researchjournal website should your entry be the winner. Contact Tara Ruttley if you have any questions.


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