What: ASA Forum – America’s Future in Space: What is the Vision?

The purpose of the forum is to provide a venue for articulating a range of space vision perspectives from a cross-section of the nation’s space community and general populace. The forum will also provide ASA with an opportunity to receive additional input to be used in an ongoing process of formulating a national space vision proposal by ASA, expected to release by years end.

It will be open to the public with representatives from Congressional offices, industry, federal agencies, state governments, organizations and other entities in attendance. Panelists will provide a five minute opening presentation followed by an opportunity to answer written questions from the audience. The event will be broadcasted live globally via the internet with viewers also submitting questions via the internet. Additionally, it is anticipated that C-SPAN will carry the event live.

Where: The House Science Committee room 2318 Rayburn

When: The forum begins at 8:30 am, following a breakfast reception beginning at 8:00 am in
Rayburn 2325 (Just across the hall) and will conclude at 11:30 am.

Who: The forum will be moderated by ASA Chair Lieutenant Governor Mary Fallin of Oklahoma.

Confirmed panelists include:

  • NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe,
  • House Science Committee Chairman, Congressman Sherwood Boehlert,
  • Aerospace Industries Association President, John Douglass,
  • National Space Society President and Kirby Ikin.

Invited Panelists include:

  • CNN space anchor Miles O’Brien,
  • Senator Sam Brownback
  • Senator Fritz Hollings

Also speaking will be a high school student who will provide a unique viewpoint from America’s youth.

About the Forum Host

The Aerospace States Association (ASA) is the nation’s premier aerospace advocacy organization representing the states. ASA focuses primarily on aviation and space-related national policy development, economic advancement, scientific enrichment, and academic excellence. The organization’s main thrust is to ensure that the interests of the citizens from each of our member states are represented at the federal level in each of these crucial areas.

Membership in ASA is open to all U. S. states and territories. Currently, over forty states maintain active membership in ASA. Each state is represented by a governor-appointed delegate who heads the states’ delegation to ASA. State delegations generally consist of the state delegate and alternate delegates who represent those state agencies, commissions, organizations, industries and community leaders with interests in aviation and/or space. In many states, the Lieutenant Governor serves as the state’s delegate to ASA, while in others an aerospace leader is appointed. The ASA chair and vice chairs are Lieutenant Governors. State ASA delegations, collectively, promote the unique interests of each state in federal aerospace policy formulation and implementation.

Currently, ASA is actively involved in several very critical aerospace issues, including the development of a proposed national space vision, and a national framework for revolutionizing America’s air transportation system. Both issues will be presented to Congress and the President of the United States within the next few months. ASA is also actively promoting aerospace education and workforce development in each member state.