A device
designed and built by Arthur D. Little will be one of the critical
elements of the NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey mission, which is scheduled to
launch on Saturday, April 7.

One of the unsung standard bearers of the space age, the highly
sophisticated “passive radiative cooler” has been customized for use
in 27 prior space launches. Although a version of the device has been
to space many times, this is the first time it will go to Mars.

The design of the passive radiative cooler is so complex that
Arthur D. Little brought two engineers with the specialized expertise
in the technology out of retirement to assist with the project. The
cooler the team built for this launch is the largest ADL has ever
designed, with an 18-inch outer diameter and the greatest cooling

“We are pleased to continue our long history of providing
technology and consulting expertise to NASA space missions, first to
the moon and now to Mars,” said Pamela McNamara, acting CEO for Arthur
D. Little. “This project is a prime example of how ADL draws on its
years of valued and proven experience to develop the most advanced
innovations for our partners.”

The device is an essential component of the Gamma Ray Spectrometer
(GRS), a primary instrument on the mission that will search for water
and other potential signs of life on Mars and map the distribution of
about 20 chemical elements across the planet’s surface. The cooler
keeps the operating temperature of the GRS stable by radiating heat
away from the device’s delicate sensors and electronic components and
conveying it into deep space. As a result, the GPS is able to function
properly and take accurate measurements in space.

2001 Mars Odyssey is part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, a
long-term effort of robotic exploration of the red planet. The Odyssey
is scheduled for arrival at Mars in October 24, 2001 and the primary
mission will take place January 2002 through July 2004.

The cooler is a complex and delicate assembly consisting of five
primary parts and more than 60 total parts made primarily of titanium
and a rare alloy of magnesium. As part of the preparation, the
development team conducted comprehensive structural analysis of the
cooling device to ensure it would survive the shock and vibrations of

Many of the passive radiative coolers Arthur D. Little has built
have been used for military weather satellite systems. Others were
used in a Transient Gamma Ray Spectrometer, launched in 1994 as part
of the WIND mission to investigate Gamma Ray Bursts and Solar Flares.

Arthur D. Little has done extensive work for NASA over the past
four decades. In 1969, the first Apollo mission to the moon included
five key experiments designed and developed by Arthur D. Little.

About Arthur D. Little

Arthur D. Little (www.adl.com) is the world’s premier consulting
firm working at the interface of business and the technologies that
drive innovation and growth. Drawing on its unique blend of knowledge
and hands-on experience across global industries, the firm
collaborates with its clients to develop significant breakthroughs in
practices, products, and processes that lead to dramatic growth and
the creation of new value.