NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine announces agency’s Fiscal-Year 2020 budget proposal during a briefing at Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Monday, March 11 beginning at 10:00 a.m. Pacific.


The budget rollout will highlight NASA’s efforts to return to the Moon and beyond. At Armstrong Flight Research Center, media and social media are invited to hear about successful tests of technologies through the Flight Opportunities (FO) program that uses commercial suborbital space platforms to access microgravity environments.


Armstrong’s Deputy Center Director Patrick Stoliker will inform media of the center’s contributions toward these plans through its past and current work as wellits aeronautic activities.


Participants will:

  • tour hangar at Armstrong with a subject matter expert to discuss use of F/A-18 aircraft in the agency’s efforts to build the X-59.
  • visit control room to hear about working a center flight mission at the center.
  • hear from FO researchers who have flown on the program’s commercial flight providers Masten Space Systems and UP Aerospace rockets.
  • go to Mojave Air and Space Port to visit facilities of FO flight providers Masten Space Systems and Virgin Galactic, which recently flew two successful flights for the program.


Media interested attending the day’s event must contact Leslie Williams, or call 661-276-3893 by March 6 at 3:00 p.m. Pacific.


Also, on March 11, NASA’s Chief Financial Officer, Jeff DeWit, and Deputy Chief Financial Officer for Strategy, Budget, and Performance, Andrew Hunter, will brief media on the agency’s fiscal year 2020 budget proposal during a 2 p.m. Pacific teleconference. To participate in this briefing, media must contact Karen Northon at no later than 10 a.m. Pacific March 11.

Audio and visuals from the teleconference will stream live at:


The agency budget, and supporting information, will be available online Monday at:


For more about NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center, visit: