Weekly investment research publication talks space branding, space
experience market in interview with ASR CEO Denise Norris

Designers of Lunar Retriever Project commercial lunar sample return
mission outline new plan for three separately funded project teams
for integration, media and merchandising tasks

NEW YORK – The Wall Street Transcript, a weekly publication which
has been interviewing top analysts from leading brokerages, premier
money managers and vital CEOs for more than 37 years, is including
the CEO of Applied Space Resources, Inc. among the 17 CEOs
interviewed in its May 28, 2001 Advertising and Marketing Services

Applied Space Resources (ASR), headquartered in Hicksville, New
York, intends to demonstrate the commercial viability of furthering
space exploration, without relying on government funding or
subsidies, through missions and enterprises that provide goods and
services to terrestrial markets. Its first offering is the Lunar
Retriever Project, which will provide advertising and promotional
opportunities on a private, robotic spacecraft that lands on the
surface of the Moon and returns samples of lunar rock and soil to

Why feature a company sending a spacecraft to the Moon in an issue
on the advertising and marketing sector? “We’re essentially a
marketing company,” says ASR CEO Denise Norris in her The Wall Street
Transcript interview, “and to reach our market we have to build a
very complex device. In Hollywood they call it a movie, at Disney
they call it a theme park. We call it a spacecraft. But the basic
core principle is that we are creating an experience in which people
out there want to participate, and we’re allowing sponsors to reach
those people by riding on the back of that experience.”

ASR has long been considered by many to be the leading candidate to
execute a commercial space mission. In this interview, Norris spoke
publicly for the first time about the Company’s plans to create three
independently funded entities to execute the various tasks involved
in the Lunar Retriever Project: an integration consortium to build
and launch the spacecraft, a media production group to produce
broadcast and interactive content that will include the first live
footage from the Moon in 30 years, and a merchandising partnership to
sell Moon rock and create other commercial tie-ins and spin-offs.

A copy of the CEO interview and company profile is available at
http://www.twst.com/pdf/appliedspace.pdf. Further information on
Applied Space Resources and the Lunar Retriever Project are available
at the Company’s website at http://www.appliedspace.com. Additional
information on The Wall Street Transcript is available at that
company’s website at http://www.twst.com.