TRISH Faculty/Scientist Exchange:
Space Health Swap

Find a new collaboration at a NASA center, or out in the wider scientific universe.

TRISH’s Faculty/Scientist Exchange program, the Space Health Swap, stimulates new collaborations, ideas and approaches for space biomedical research.

  • Swap In: External scientists and researchers spending time at a NASA center; 
  • Swap Out: NASA civil servants spending time off campus.

Learn more and apply:

Swap in to NASA

External Researchers visiting NASA Centers

  • Eligible Host NASA Centers: Ames Research Center, Mountain View, CA; Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH; Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX; Kennedy Research Center, Merritt Island, FL; Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
  • Program Duration: 2-4 weeks physically spent at the NASA center during Summer 2020
  • Award: Eligible travel costs associated with the 2-4 week stay may be covered by TRISH.

Swap out of NASA

NASA Civil Servants visiting Outside Institutions

  • Eligible Host Institutions: Any external laboratory, company or university with space-relevant research opportunities;  preference will be given to applicants “swapping” close to their home NASA center.
  • Program Duration: 2-4 weeks physically spent at the external institution during Summer 2020
  • Award: Eligible travel costs associated with the 2-4 week stay may be covered by NASA.