Stephen Hawking is Director of Research at the Institute of Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge; he has also held the prestigious post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge – a post once held by Isaac Newton. He is widely regarded as one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists since Einstein and is the author of the phenomenal best seller A Brief History of Time. Diagnosed with ALS in his early twenties and told he had only a few years to live, Hawking, now 72, is the longest survivor with this condition. Despite his disability, Hawking has traveled to every continent on the globe and currently has ambitions to go into space.

As the dinner fast approaches, we encourage all members and interested public to join us at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City for what promises to be an unforgettable evening.

In addition to the exciting keynote address by famed theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, this year’s ECAD includes a slate of awardees featuring Jeff Bezos and his Apollo F-1 Search & Recovery Expedition team, Walter Munk, Pat & Rosemarie Keough, Franklin Chang-Diaz, Maria Zuber, and Elon Musk. This year’s Annual Dinner is shaping up to be one of the best in the illustrious history of The Explorers Club!

To purchase tickets, simply visit our website here and click on “Purchase Tickets Online.”

Also note that we are quickly filling our allotted block of rooms at the Waldorf Astoria. If you’re planning to get a room at the Waldorf, act quickly by calling (212) 355-3000. Simply state you are with The Explorers Club upon booking. Please be forewarned that the deadline for booking discounted rooms at the Waldorf is Monday, February 24th.