Logan, Utah (Andrews Space PR) — August 9, 2011: Andrews Space (Andrews) and ISIS – Innovative Solutions In Space BV (ISIS) – announced today that they have teamed to offer the SENTRY Nanospacecraft platform to international customers.

Andrews has developed the SENTRY NanoSat platform for spacecraft that range from a 3U CubeSat up to a 40 kg NanoSat. In addition, Andrews and ISIS are both developers of CubeSat and NanoSat subsystems, including the Andrews 100 Series of avionics components and the ISIS line of radios, power system elements, spacecraft structures and the ISIPOD series spacecraft dispenser. Under this joint marketing agreement Andrews and ISIS will jointly market a version of the SENTRY spacecraft to international customers that leverages the respective strengths and components of the two companies.

Jason Andrews, President and CEO of Andrews Space, said, “This is the right product at the right time – the World is looking for how to do more with less and the SENTRY bus addresses that need. ISIS is a great company with a strong international presence and we are very excited to be partnered with them.”

Jeroen Rotteveel, Managing Director of ISIS, said, “The need for higher performance, higher quality nanosatellite missions is growing fast,” ISIS and Andrews Space can address this need perfectly by combining our strengths and expertise in cost-effective nanosatellite systems.”

The SENTRY bus currently comes in two classes: the SENTRY for 3U and 6U CubeSats weighing up to 10 kg, and the SENTRY XP for nanosats weighing up to 40 kg that require an advanced attitude determination and control system and high power capabilities.

Continued Andrews, “This partnership builds upon our existing relationship between Andrews’ sister company Spaceflight and ISIS’ subsidiary ISILaunch, which together provide a global network for the launch of small and secondary payloads. Now we can provide ‘turnkey’ nanosat mission solutions, including: mission formulation, spacecraft development, launch and on orbit operations; for less than $10 million USD.”

To learn more about the SENTRY spacecraft, please visit the Andrews Space booth (34-35) and ISIS’ booth (4-5) at the 2011 Small Satellite Conference in Logan, Utah, or go online to www.andrews-space.com or www.isispace.nl.

About Andrews Space:

Andrews Space, Inc. was founded in 1999 to be a catalyst in the commercialization and development of space. The company is an affordable integrator of aerospace systems and developer of advanced space technologies. To learn more, please visit: www.andrews-space.com.

About ISIS – Innovative Solutions In Space

ISIS – Innovative Solutions In Space B.V. was founded in 2006 to enable more cost-effective space missions by using nano-satellite systems. The company is a vertically integrated company in the nanosatellite segment and a developer and provider of various nanosatellite modules, systems and services. For more information, please visit: www.isispace.nl