NASA is the proud employer of twelve minority women who
will be honored for their achievements in government and
defense at the second annual Women of Color Government and
Defense Technology Awards Conference July 18-19, in

This year’s theme, “There is a Winner In You,” is especially
significant for NASA both because NASA can claim as employees
more of these exemplary women than any other federal agency
and because NASA views as an integral element of its mission
to inspire the next generation of explorers … as only NASA

The NASA 2002 Women of Color Awards recipients are:

National Responsibility Award

  • Debra L. Johnson, Johnson Space Center, Houston

National Student Leadership Award

  • Eileen M. Saenz, Glenn Research Center, Cleveland

VIP Award

  • Karen Hickman, Glenn Research Center

All Star Award

  • Michelle Amos, Kennedy Space Center, Fla.
  • Gena H. Baker, Kennedy Space Center
  • Hortense Blackwell Burt, Kennedy Space Center
  • Barbara L. Brown, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif.
  • Dawn M. Elliott, Kennedy Space Center
  • Yolanda R. Hicks, Kennedy Space Center
  • Robbie E. Hood, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.
  • Charlene T. Malloy, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

Rising Star

  • Stacie M. Smith, Kennedy Space Center

The awards are sponsored by Career Communications Group,
Inc., and are given in recognition of the contributions women
of color are making in the traditionally male-dominated
fields of government and defense. They were created to
highlight success stories, motivate other women to higher
levels and reconfirm commitment to equality in the workplace.

More information on award recipients from NASA can be found

Additional information on this year’s Women of Color in
Government and Defense Technology Awards Conference is
available at: