Spacecom (Tel Aviv Stock Exchange: SCC), operator of the AMOS satellite fleet, announced that its AMOS-5 satellite has been launched from Baikonur, Kazakhstan. AMOS-5 soared upward aboard a Proton Breeze-M launcher December 11, 2011 at 13.17 Israel time (11.17 GMT). En route to its 17*E orbital position, the satellite separated from the launcher’s last stage within nine-and-one-half hours following ignition and has unfolded its solar panels and communication antennas. In the coming weeks, AMOS-5 will undergo a sequence of in-orbit tests, after which its manufacturer, ISS Reshetnev, will officially hand over control of the satellite to Spacecom. Commercial operation of the satellite’s pan-African C-band and Ku-band payload is scheduled to commence in early 2012.

“AMOS-5’s launch further transforms Spacecom into a leading multi-regional satellite operator is truly a landmark event for us as we prepare to bring our reliable high-quality services to Africa,” stated Spacecom president and CEO David Pollack. “The satellite will offer excellent coverage and ready capacity to a rapidly growing region. Spacecom is excited and looks forward to providing comprehensive and quality communications solutions to Africa.”

AMOS-5’s high-power 14×72 MHz and 4×36 MHz C-band transponders, combined with 18×72 MHz Ku-band transponders, will enable it to be a prime carrier of African satellite communications traffic in both broadcast and data services in the years to come. Spacecom’s AMOS-2 and AMOS-3 satellites co-located at the 4*W orbital “hot spot,” together with AMOS-5 at the 17*E orbital position, will provide coverage over many of the world’s fastest-growing and highest-demand satellite markets in the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe and Africa.

Prior to launch, Spacecom pre-sold over 55 percent of AMOS-5 capacity to a variety of customers, including broadcasters, telecom providers, communications companies and government agencies.


Spacecom (Space-Communication Ltd.), operator of the AMOS-2 and AMOS-3 satellites co-located at 4*W and the newly launched AMOS-5 to be located at 17*E, provides high- quality broadcast and communications services in Europe, the Middle East, the U.S. East Coast and Africa to direct-to-home (DTH) and direct broadcast satellite (DBS) operators, ISPs, telecom operators, network integrators and government agencies.

With AMOS-5’s launch, Spacecom will deliver high-power C-band and Ku-band capacity to the entire African continent with connectivity to Europe and the Middle East. Along with the launch of AMOS-4 in late 2012 with coverage over Russia and South Asia, and AMOS-6 in 2014 with coverage over Europe and the Middle East, Spacecom will further enhance its position as a multi-regional satellite operator.

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