Contact: Harvey Leifert

(202) 777-7507

Media Advisory 1

2002 Spring Meeting in Washington, D.C.

May 28-31 (Tuesday-Friday)

Register Now for Press Room and

Mark Your Calendar!

Contents of this message

1. Dates, Venue, Themes, and Sponsors

2. Press Room

3. Hotels and Air Discounts

4. Abstracts

5. Press Registration Eligibility

6. Press Registration Form


1. Dates, Venue, Themes, and Sponsors

Reporters and public information officers are encouraged to pre-
register for 2002 Spring Meeting, which will bring an estimated
3,000 earth and space scientists to Washington, D.C., where they
will present the results of their latest research. The meeting runs
from May 28 to 31 (Tuesday-Friday) at the Washington
Convention Center, 900 Ninth Street, N.W., in downtown

The principal themes of the meeting are:

Biogeochemical cycling in land, water, and atmosphere

Climate and global change

Earth’s dynamic interior

Environmental quality

Natural resources

Science and policy interactions

Co-sponsors of the meeting are the European Union of
Geosciences (EUG), the Geochemical Society (GS), and the
Mineralogical Society of America (MSA).

2. Press Room

AGU will operate a press room and offer a full program of press
conferences on cutting edge scientific research presented at the
meeting. These will be announced in a subsequent advisory. A
press registration form is appended to this advisory and may be
submitted online, by fax, by e-mail, or by mail.

3. Hotels and Air Discounts

Hotel rooms at special meeting rates may be booked on line now
through April 29, although it is possible that rooms at these hotels
may all be booked prior to that date. Book early to assure the
greatest availability. For information on rates and location of hotels
and to reserve a room, go to

United Airlines is offering discounts of 5-15 percent for flights to
and from the meeting, booked at least 60 days in advance. Details,
including the reference number for Spring Meeting and the
dedicated phone number for reservations with these discounts will
be found at [].

4. Abstracts

Abstracts for Spring Meeting were accepted through March 12.
They will be posted on the AGU web site in April and may be read
there. A subsequent advisory will announce the posting of abstracts
and will provide information on how to search them by subject,
author, institution, or geographic area. The bound book and CD of
abstracts will only be available in mid-May.

The Abstracts will be sent by U.S. Postal Service, while supplies
last, to press registrants who have requested them. Those who wish
speedier delivery, e.g., via FedEx, UPS, or another express service,
should so indicate on the registration form. Provide your account
number and state the class of service you prefer, e.g., early next
morning, next afternoon, second day (or any specific option your
particular account offers).

5. Press Registration Eligibility

Press registrants receive a badge that allows access to any of the
scientific sessions of the meeting, as well as to the Press Room,
Briefing Room, and other events specifically for media
representatives. No one will be admitted without a valid badge. A
registration form will be found at the end of this message.

Eligibility for press registration is limited to the following persons:

A. Working press representing bona fide news media with a press
card, business card, or letter of introduction from an editor of
the publication.

B. Freelance science writers, presenting a current membership card
from NASW, a regional affiliate of NASW, CSWA, SEJ,
or ISWA, or evidence of bylined work pertaining to science
intended for the general public and published in 2001 or 2002.

C. Public information officers of scientific societies, educational
institutions, and government agencies.

Note: Representatives of the business side of news media,
publishing houses, and of for-profit corporations must register at
the main registration desk and pay the appropriate fees.

6. Press Registration Form

If possible, please use the online submission form at

If you prefer to e-mail, fax, or mail the form below, please do not
send back this entire media advisory, just the form itself. Send it

Harvey Leifert


2000 Florida Avenue, N.W.

Washington, DC 20009


Fax: +1 202-328-0566

*** 2002 Spring Meeting Press Registration Form ***

Name (to be printed on badge):

Media or organizational affiliation:

Mailing Address:

Email Address:
If freelancer: Check below one basis of your eligibility below and
bring relevant proof to meeting.
      _____ Member of NASW
      _____ Regional affiliate of NASW
      _____ CSWA
      _____ ISWA
      _____ SEJ
      _____ Letter from recognized publication assigning you to
                   cover this meeting
      _____ Evidence of bylined science story published in 2001 or
Indicate preference for book or CD-ROM version (Check one box
      ____ I prefer a CD-ROM in advance of the meeting.
      ____ I prefer a bound volume in advance of the meeting.
How shall we send the abstracts?
      ____ Send Abstracts to me at the above address by USPS.
      ____ Send Abstracts to me at the above address (no P.O.
                 Boxes!) via express service
      ____ Do not send Abstracts in advance; hold for me in the
                 Press Room.
Name of express service (e.g. FedEx, UPS, etc.):
Class of service (e.g. next day, 2nd day, etc.):
My Account Number: