The AAS commends the Administration on its decision to nominate Shana Dale to the post of NASA Deputy Administrator, as announced on September 9.

Ms. Dale will bring to the post a wealth of experience from working in senior positions within both the Executive and Legislative Branches of the government.

Her political and policy experience in space related matters is extensive and will prove invaluable to NASA as the agency moves to deal with numerous complex issues including the future of the Shuttle and the ISS, the implementation of the Vision for Space Exploration and restoration of a robust Earth Science program.

We urge the Congress to act rapidly on this nomination.

At the same time we note the resignation of the current Deputy Administrator, Colonel Fred Gregory. On behalf of our membership we extend our thanks to him for his outstanding service to our nation’s defense as an Air Force pilot and to our civil space program, both as an astronaut and through a number of senior management positions within NASA.