
Future City Competition*

Students use computer software to design a city for tomorrow, build a
section of it and present it to judges. NASA’s Marshall Space Flight
Center, in Huntsville, Ala., sponsors this year’s regional competition,
one of 26, leading to finals in Washington, D.C., during National
Engineers Week Feb. 18-24.


7th and 8th grade students from 20 Alabama schools, including several from
the Huntsville area.


Friday, Jan. 19, 2001

8:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. (Best photo opportunity in a.m.)


Building 4200, Morris Auditorium


Students work in teams with a teacher and a volunteer engineer to create a
city. They use SimCity* 2000 Special Edition computer software for the
design, and build a three-dimensional scale model of a section of their
city. They deal with politics, transportation, budgeting, energy needs and
other challenges. They defend the design of their city to engineer-judges
at the competition. The Marshall Center, technical organizations and
companies will present several awards.

To attend:

News Media planning to cover the event should contact Jerry Berg at (256)


Jerry Berg

Media Relations Department

(256) 544-0034
