CAPE CANAVERAL AIR FORCE STATION, Fla. – The Air Force launched it’s first military satellite payload on an Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle from here March 10.

The military payload, a Defense Satellite Communications System satellite, was lifted into orbit by a Boeing Delta IV rocket.

The Delta IV and Lockheed Martin’s Atlas V are the two families of EELVs developed with the Air Force to modernize and reduce the cost of America’s space lift operations. Both flew their maiden missions with commercial payloads last year.

“Today’s launch marks the dawn of a new day for national security space programs,” said Lt. Col. Tony Taliancich, Director of the EELV Cape Consolidated Task Force. “It culminates our joint efforts with industry to develop a national launch capability that satisfies both government and commercial needs.

“This DSCS satellite will be positioned over the Indian Ocean and should be fully operational by July 1. That’s about a 55-day reduction from nominal on-orbit checkout operations,” said Capt. Greg Ellingson, DSCS Integration Officer, Det. 8 of the Space and Missile Systems Center. “Getting this satellite up and running is being accelerated because it’s critical to the our warfighters’ needs for current national security