CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Nov. 14, 2005 – United States Air Force Capt. Kirk Riggs of the 16th Special Operations Wing, Air Force Special Operations Command, at Hurlburt Field, will be honored with the National Space Club Florida Committee’s inaugural Florida National Defense Space Award.

“For the first ever Florida National Defense Space Award, we’ve selected the highest caliber of officer and leader,” said Adrian Laffitte, chairman of the National Space Club Florida Committee. “Capt. Riggs is a leader among his peers.”

The Florida National Defense Space Award was created to recognize significant achievements and contributions made by Department of Defense (DOD) personnel while on duty in the State of Florida. The award celebrates major contributions of DOD active duty military, civilians and contractors in space-related areas that significantly contribute to the defense of our Nation.

Riggs is being honored specifically for producing a web-based Global Positioning System communications planning tool that allowed special operations aircrews to precisely hit targets over enemy territory. He deployed his system during operation SECURE TOMORROW, successfully ensuring the safety of personnel and aircraft.

He was then selected to write the official Air Force rules on how to operate the system, codifying in Air Force Doctrine the way space professionals are to implement friendly forces tactics in the future.

“His actions, decisions and expertise have directly led to our troops owning the latest and greatest in technology to fight and win the war on global terrorism,” Laffitte said.

The award will be presented at the closing ceremony of the Florida Space 2005 conference to be held Thursday, Nov. 17 at 6:30 p.m. EST at the Apollo Saturn V Center at Kennedy Space Center.

The Honorable Dr. Ronald M. Sega, Under Secretary of the Air Force, Headquarters, United States Air Force, will be on hand to help present the award.

The National Space Club Florida Committee is a non-profit corporation composed of representatives of industry, government, educational institutions and private individuals who share a commitment to increasing public awareness of America’s aerospace programs.