From the FYI archives for 2001, a last look at some notable

“I no longer support this legislation.” – Senator Spencer Abraham
(R-MI) at his confirmation hearing to be the new Energy
Secretary, regarding a bill to eliminate DOE

“I came out of the pharmaceutical business, where we invest in
research and development that is not guaranteed to produce
anything in the next five minutes. And you have to be patient
and you have to live with a lot of failures. I’ve been involved
in the electronic business, quite the same. If you’re not
investing for the future, you’re going to die.” – Donald Rumsfeld
at his confirmation hearing

“So let me say unambiguously that I will fight to increase
research funding, in general, and funding for the physical
sciences, in particular. Unique and vital DOE facilities, like
Fermilab, must continue to prosper, even as we participate in
international projects like the Large Hadron Collider.” – House
Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY)

“I want to run the Committee in a way that would make Einstein
smile. I want to make sure that as long as I’m chairman, no one
plays dice with your universe.” – Rep. Boehlert

“For these bills to have a positive impact on funding decisions
in the Congressional appropriations process, it is not enough for
proponents to introduce them. We need active help and support
from the larger scientific community . . . to help us to reach
out to other Members of Congress . . . .” – Senator Jeff Bingaman

“This is a town where if you don’t increase the budget by an
expected number, it’s considered a cut.” – President George Bush,
when asked about his forthcoming budget

“I want to tell you, you can’t increase one piece of science in
America . . . and leave the other kinds of research in the
doldrums.” – Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM) to HHS Secretary Tommy
Thompson at a hearing on the NIH budget

“On the issue of research, there is just no question that if
you’re going to have technology as the base of your economy,
which we do, research is crucial.” – Federal Reserve Chairman
Alan Greenspan

“. . . the [Hart-Rudman] commission unanimously agreed that the
challenge to us in scientific research and in math and science
education is a greater national security problem than any likely
conventional war in the foreseeable future.” – Newt Gingrich

“In terms of the CO2 issue, I will explain as clearly as I can,
today and every other chance I get, that we will not do anything
that harms our economy.” – President Bush

“No science, no surplus. It’s that simple.” – Former OSTP
Director D. Allan Bromley on administration’s science budget
request for FY 2002

“This kind of hit us like a ton of bricks . . . how could you not
know?” – House Science Committee member addressing NASA
Administrator Goldin about space station overruns

“The scientific community must not be complacent, and it cannot
assume that it inherently has the greatest claim to, or most
self-evident argument for federal largess. That’s a recipe for
failure.” – Rep. Boehlert

“. . . how does this [nanoscience] relate . . . to my
constituents?” – New House appropriator to DOE witness

“I cannot believe this Administration really thinks this R&D
budget is the right one for the country.” – Senate VA/HUD
appropriations chair Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)

“…doubling remains important to us.” – NSF Administrator Rita

“Bless your heart, I am so glad to hear you say that.” – Senator
Pat Roberts (R-KS) to DOD Undersecretary Edward Aldridge about
Aldridge’s recommendation that 2.5 to 3% of total defense budget
be allocated to S&T

“. . . if we study it until all questions are answered without
taking any actions . . . we are in danger of ending up with a
very well-studied disaster.” – Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX)
on global climate change

“I remain fully committed to the doubling of the budget for NSF
over the next five years, but without the support of the
administration, the authorizing committees, and the Budget
Committees, the appropriators cannot do it alone.” – Senator

“So, the events of September 11th have forced us to alter our
agenda in ways large and small. But fundamentally, our nation’s
R&D and education needs remain pretty much what they were before
the attacks, and for now, at least, the resources available to
meet those needs remain about the same, as well.” – Rep. Boehlert

“More than any other nation, we have used science and technology
wisely to create peace, advance democracy, and provide for the
well-being our of citizens.” – John Marburger at his confirmation
hearing to be OSTP Director

“When a budget goes to war, what should it look like?” – OMB
Director Mitchell Daniels

“. . . another of the . . . .true centers of excellence in this
government, the National Science Foundation, where more than 95%
of the funds you provide as taxpayers go out on a competitive
basis directly to researchers pursuing the frontiers of science,
a very low overhead cost.” – OMB Director Daniels

“It is abundantly clear that there is a concurrent need for
increased scientific and engineering knowledge. In times such as
these, we are acutely cognizant of living in a society defined
by, and dependent on, science and technology.” – NSF Director


Richard M .Jones

Media and Government Relations

The American Institute of Physics

(301) 209-3095
