The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) will hold its SPACE 2013 Conference & Exposition September 10-12 at the San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, Calif. The conference theme is “Sparking Ingenuity and Collaboration to Enable Mission Success.”

Speakers for the conference include: William H. Gerstenmaier, associate administrator, Human Exploration and Operations, NASA; John M. Grunsfeld, associate administrator, Science, NASA; Michael J. Gazarik
associate administrator, Space Technology, NASA; Chris Lewicki, president and chief engineer, Planetary Resources; Robert “Bob” Richards, co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO), Moon Express; Roger A. Krone, president, network and space systems, Boeing  Defense, Space & Security; Mark Valerio, vice president and general manager, Military Space, Lockheed Martin; Lt. Gen. Eugene L. Tattini, U.S. Air Force (retired), deputy director, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory;  Bernard Collins, senior advisor, Office of the Director of National Intelligence; John W. Elbon, vice president and general manager, space exploration,  Boeing Defense, Space & Security; Lt. Gen. John T. “Tom” Sheridan, U.S. Air Force (retired) and vice president, National Security Space, The SI Organization, Inc.; Lt. Gen. Larry D. James, U.S. Air Force (retired), deputy director, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Kenneth E. Washington, vice president, Advanced Technology Center, Lockheed Martin; and Maj. Gen. Neil McCasland, U.S. Air Force, past commander of the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory.

AIAA SPACE 2013 will focus on what lies ahead for the community, including surmounting the budgetary and technological barriers necessary to advance the space exploration enterprise. Subjects to be examined by the conferences’ speakers and panelists are: The current and future landscape for space exploration via a conversation with space executives; the evolving landscape of the space business model; space exploration for inspiration and profit; NASA’s asteroid redirect mission; aligning technology development to space support space goals; and the way ahead for space weather monitoring.

The conference will feature thirteen panel discussions. Topics include: Current Launch Vehicle Update; Enabling In-Space Infrastructure; Mars 2020 Mission:  Status, Opportunities, and Challenges; Human Spaceflight Progress Report; Commercial Space Operations and Services as Stepping-Stone Enablers for Space Exploration; Commercial Crew and Cargo Program Status; Space Debris and Operations: The Next 30 Years; and Bringing Space Technology to Market: Effects of U.S. Policies and Practices. Technical sessions will explore a range of topics, including: Space systems and architecture; space access and applications; Nano-Sats and their mission designs; space robotics; best practices in space operations; space colonization; emerging commercial space markets; and small satellites.

This year’s conference will also include two special events. On Monday, September 9, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., the California Senate Select Committee on Aerospace and Defense, chaired by Senator Steve Knight (CA-36), will hold a hearing to discuss issues impacting the California aerospace community. Issues to be addressed will include tax incentives for expanding commercial space activities, STEM funding, and California’s Role in NASA Reauthorization 2013. On Wednesday, September 11, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., the William H. Pickering Lecture will be delivered by John P. Grotzinger, Fletcher Jones professor of geology and Curiosity project scientist, California Institute of Technology; and Adam D. Steltzner, manager, Planetary Entry, Descent, and Landing and Small Body Access Office, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The lecture celebrates the Curiosity Mars Science Laboratory.

SPACE 2013’s Executive Steering Committee is: Gregory A. Jones, vice president, strategy and business development, Orbital Sciences Corporation; David A. King executive vice president, Dynetics, Inc.; Peter McGrath, director, space exploration business development, The Boeing Company; Peter Montgomery Director, Resource Provisioning, TOSC Group, Jacobs Technology Inc.; Lt. Gen. John “Tom” Sheridan, U.S. Air Force (retired), vice president, national security space, The SI Organization, Inc.; Mary Snitch, Corporate Engineering and Technology, Lockheed Martin Corporation; Lt.  Gen. Eugene L. Tattini U.S. Air Force (retired), deputy director, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; and Gabe Watson, vice president GEOINT, Sensing & Science, Space Systems, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems.

Sponsors of SPACE 2013 are: Premier Sponsors: The Boeing Company, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman. Lanyard Sponsor: Loral Space Systems; Supporting Sponsor: Sierra Lobo. Media Sponsor: Space News.

For more information or to register for AIAA SPACE 2013, please visit  or contact Duane Hyland at 703.264.7558 or   Media registration for the conference is complimentary for credentialed members of the press.
AIAA is the world’s largest technical society dedicated to the global aerospace profession.  With more than 35,000 individual members worldwide, and 100 corporate members, AIAA brings together industry, academia, and government to advance engineering and science in aviation, space, and defense.  For more information, visit