AIAA, the Aerospace Advisor to the Spirit of Innovation Awards program adds membership opportunity to Awards package, and presents a special Webinar from David Thompson.

Dear Conrad Foundation Supporter,

The study and advancement of aerospace are an important focus for the Conrad Foundation. That’s why we created the Aerospace Exploration category of the Spirit of Innovation Awards and invited the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) onboard as the official Aerospace Advisor for the program.

Participants in the Spirit of Innovation Awards will have unprecedented access to some of the most prominent members of the aerospace community, and have the opportunity to get their foot in the door with the world’s largest professional society devoted to the progress of engineering and science in aviation, space, and defense – all thanks to AIAA.

Recently, AIAA announced that winning teams from both the Aerospace Exploration and Space Nutrition challenge categories of the Spirit of Innovation Awards will receive a 1 year student membership to AIAA. In addition, the winning teacher will receive an Educator Associate membership, which qualifies them for a $200 grant, as well as participation in all AIAA programs. The winning teams will also be invited to participate in the Space 2010 Conference and Exhibit Education Alley on Sept. 27 – 29, 2010 in Anaheim, California.

To get the creative aerospace thoughts going, AIAA’s President, and CEO of Orbital will host a special public webinar on “Opportunities for Innovation in the Aerospace Industry.” To gain special insight into the AIAA and learn about the challenges, and potential solutions, facing the Aerospace Industry, join the Conrad Foundation on “The Exchange,” a special section of our website dedicated to exchanging ideas between students, teachers and professionals. On Monday, Oct. 19 at 3pm PDT, Mr. Thompson will join The Exchange to discuss his thoughts on what innovation means for the Aerospace Industry. This is a fantastic opportunity for any Spirit of Innovation Awards participant to gain special insight into the Aerospace Industry, and get a hint as to what solutions companies are looking for right. The webinar is open to the public as well – Click Here to Learn More.

This is a great opportunity to learn about, and become part of, an organization that is on the forefront of aerospace technology and commerce. Please join us for this new, exciting webinar on aerospace innovation.


The Conrad Foundation