The Aerospace Industries Association welcomes the announcement of the $1.165 trillion fiscal year 2017 Omnibus Budget Deal and urges both chambers of Congress to pass it this week. The Omnibus funds critical investments in national security, as well as in space and aviation infrastructure, and – most importantly – avoids the uncertainty and delays that would have occurred under a full-year continuing resolution. These investments sustain the 1.7 million jobs and the $90 billion trade surplus provided by America’s leading edge aerospace and defense industry.
Ensuring our national security and economic prosperity requires robust, balanced and stable defense spending. We appreciate the recognition by both Congress and the Trump Administration of the burden that a heightened wartime operations tempo places on our warfighters. We applaud the inclusion of $20.7 billion in additional funding between the last continuing resolution and this omnibus agreement to provide for readiness as well as equipment and upgrades that are very much needed to conduct successful operations.
With respect to aviation infrastructure modernization, the Omnibus fully funds investments in the Next Generation Air Transportation System, maintaining the momentum towards full implementation of this complex system of systems that will increase efficiency, safety and reliability in our national air space. Our space infrastructure investments also fare well in the Omnibus, with increases for science, aeronautics and exploration programs at NASA, as well as fully funded satellite programs at NOAA that maintain and improve life-saving weather forecasting capabilities.
AIA commends the budget negotiators for coming to an agreement that funds the federal government for FY17 and avoids the delays, disruptions and uncertainty that would have occurred under a full-year CR or a shutdown. We strongly urge Congress to pass the Omnibus, and President Trump to sign it into law.