Arlington, Va. — The Aerospace Industries Association will present Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) with its prestigious Wings of Liberty Award September 18, in recognition of her longtime support of the nation’s aerospace priorities, including national security, aviation, space exploration and weather forecasting programs.

Sen. Mikulski, the longest serving woman in the history of the U.S. Congress, is chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, which allocates funds to meet the most pressing needs and responsibilities of our Federal Government.

“Senator Mikulski is a tremendous champion of America’s leadership in aerospace and national security, and has worked tirelessly to advocate for the research and development funding that keeps our nation safe and strong,” said Wes Bush, chairman of the AIA Board of Governors, and Chairman, Chief Executive Officer & President of Northrop Grumman Corporation. “She is most deserving of this award.”

“We’re honored to present Senator Mikulski with the aerospace and defense industry’s highest award,” added AIA President and CEO Marion C. Blakey.  “In addition to her longstanding leadership on issues critical to the economic and industrial health of our nation, we are particularly indebted to the Senator for her impassioned efforts to find a solution to the sequestration cuts that are undermining America’s scientific leadership and competitiveness and risking our nation’s security in a dangerous world.”

In response to receiving the Wings of Liberty Award, Sen. Mikulski said, “I’m so pleased to receive this tremendous award that honors the ingenuity of America’s aerospace industry. The old saying goes, a country that doesn’t make something, can’t make something of itself. Well America’s aerospace industry makes the best defense systems, civil aircraft, spacecraft and satellites in the world, supporting hundreds of thousands of American jobs. I will continue to fight to keep ‘Made in America’ as the gold standard for excellence in aerospace manufacturing.”

The Wings of Liberty award is presented annually to a member of Congress who has made significant contributions to help bolster aerospace and national defense.  The award, which embodies the spirit of America and the drive to achieve any dream, will be made at an event on Capitol Hill as part of National Aerospace Week (September 15-21).  Past honorees include Rep. Buck McKeon (Calif.), Senator Patty Murray (Wash.), Rep. Norm Dicks (Wash.), Senator Daniel Inouye (Hawaii), Senator John Warner (Va.) and former Transportation Secretary and U.S. Rep. Norman Mineta (Calif.).