Statement by Aerospace Industries Association President and CEO Marion C. Blakey commending the omnibus appropriations agreement reached by the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee.

Arlington, Va. – We congratulate the Appropriations Committees, particularly Chairwoman Mikulski, Chairman Rogers, Ranking Member Shelby, and Ranking Member Lowey, on reaching agreement on an omnibus appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2014.  This major achievement provides federal agencies, American taxpayers, and private industry the predictability that is so urgently needed to make sound decisions for our government, our businesses and everyday lives.

Coming right on the heels of last month’s Bipartisan Budget Act, this legislation was a major undertaking that involved many long days and late nights of hard negotiation over the holidays.  We recognize the herculean effort of these two committees, their leaders and their staffs, in putting policy differences aside to create legislation that is good for the nation.  AIA applauds this agreement as a sign of true bipartisanship.  We encourage all members to vote in favor.

Our industry urges Congress to continue this progress during the FY15 appropriations cycle, finding the right balance of fiscal austerity and investment for our national security, our technological leadership, and our economy.  Over the next eighteen months, Congress must find an alternative to sequestration, which is still in effect for fiscal year 2016 and beyond.